Destiny: 10

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I looked blankly up at him, put the gun down on the ground and shrugged.

''Say something.'' he hissed.

I shook my head and looked down. ''I don't have anything to say. I don't know what I should say, actually.''

He growled, grabbed my hair and pulled me up roughly. ''Stop acting like this!'' he shouted and pushed me hard against the wall. ''You're a fucking selfish cunt, Matthew!'' I looked blankly at him and he hit my nose, making it bleed.

''Leave me alone.'' I said shakily and put my hand over my nose.

He threw me back on the ground and gritted his teeth. ''Fine.'' he growled and walked away. He muttered something and slammed the door shut after him.

I looked up at Dom and sobbed when I saw him with Colin in his arms. ''W-what are you doing here?''

He sat down next to me, but held Colin tightly. ''I wanted to talk to you and on my way here I saw Chris and this cute, little man.''

Colin giggled and hugged Dom tightly. I sobbed loudly and curled up. ''Just say what you wanted to say and leave me alone. I don't want to be with anyone now. I hate myself.''

''No, I'm not leaving you alone.'' He said and put Colin on the ground. He told him to go to his room and Colin nodded, walking away quickly. Dom looked back at me and stroked my hair. ''I wanted to say I love you.''

I started trembling, curled up more when he touched me and looked up at him. ''You love the man who looks like me.''

''I liked him because he looks like you, yes,'' he whispered and pulled me in his lap. ''But he's not you. He's a boring, normal person. I'd rather have a weirdo like you. Someone who goes to a fortune teller to find his love, and it still takes him months to do so.''

I giggled softly and placed my head in his neck. ''I love you too.'' I whispered shakily.

He smiled and kissed my hair. ''Good.''

I snorted and whined. Quickly, I placed my hands over my nose and sighed annoyed. ''It fucking hurts.''

''You deserved it.'' Dom grinned.


Dom made dinner for us all - he was an excellent cook - and after that we had a shower together. We washed each other's hair, Dom had to bend over so I could reach his hair. This made him laugh and make fun of me. We dried ourselves and crawled under the duvet in my bed, snuggling against each other. We kissed softly until I dozed off.

I woke up the next morning and frowned when the bed was empty. I jumped up quickly, put on my boxers and ran downstairs. I looked around and sighed in relief when I heard Dom sing from the kitchen. It wasn't hard to hear him sing because his singing voice wasn't... the prettiest one. He looked up at me and smiled widely.

''Hi!'' he giggled and held up a plate with pancakes. ''I made breakfast!''

I blushed and smiled. ''Lovely.''

''Get Colin!'' he grinned. ''I want to eat with Colin and you.''

Giggling, I walked upstairs and went to Colin's room. I kissed his cheek and smiled when he woke up, opening his eyes. ''Come, sweetie,'' I whispered. ''Dom made pancakes for breakfast.''

Colin squealed and sat up. He hugged me tightly and frowned. ''Is Dom my daddy too now?'' he asked and looked confused at me.

I lifted him up, placed him on my hip and walked downstairs. ''I guess so, yeah.'' I nodded and smiled softly.

''Yay!'' he giggled and looked hungrily at the pancakes when we entered the kitchen. I placed him on a chair and he immediately began to eat. Dom giggled and ruffled his hair. We both sat down and began to eat too.

Dom took Colin to school and I stayed at home. I cleaned the living room and my bedroom a bit, sat down on the couch and sighed. I turned on the telly and rubbed over my chin. Should I be with Dom? I mean, he was with someone else a while ago... But he did that because the person looked like me... I nodded, took a deep breath and nodded again. Yes, this was the right decision. Dom and I were meant to be. We belonged together and we would be together for ever.

When Dom came back, he sat down on the couch next to me and smiled. I looked up at him and let out a surprised gasp when he pecked my lips. He blushed, giggled and looked quickly at the telly. I coughed, crossed my right leg over the left one and placed my hands in my lap. ''Dom?'' I asked and he looked back at me. ''I want to talk about what happened at your house. Again.''

He giggled softly, gulped and nodded. ''When?''

''Now.'' I replied and Dom swallowed heavily, nodding again.

''Tell me.''

''Who was that guy.. The one who looked like me?'' I asked again and sighed. ''How do you know him, who is he?''

''Oh, uhmm...,'' Dom sighed shakily and looked nervously at his lap. ''That... That was Kevin. I met him at a... at a bar. I was drunk and he looked so much like you, so I thought it was you. And I... Well, let's skip that part. I eventually asked him to go home with me and he said yes. So, blah blah, when we were at my house we had... sex... And the next morning he was still in my bed and he was really nice and I was alone so I couldn't let him go...''

''Oh,'' was the only thing I could say and I nodded. I looked back at the telly and scratched my chin. ''I guess I... I understand.''

Dom looked at me and frowned. ''Really?''

''Yeah.. No.. I don't know.'' I sighed and smirked. ''But what now? Did you break up with him or what?''

''Yes, I did.'' he nodded and looked at me. ''Shortly after you left. He kept complaining about you and I was done with it. So I broke up with him and kicked him out of my house.''

I nodded and sighed. ''Good...''

Dom nodded, wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. ''How come you suddenly love me, by the way? You didn't before.''

''I did,'' I whispered and placed my head in his neck. ''I always did. But we've been friends for so long and I was convinced you were straight. So I thought wasn't possible to be together with you. I didn't want to ruin our friendship.''

He snorted, giggled and kissed my hair. ''I knew you were a weirdo and stuff, but that is silly. Of course it wouldn't have ruined our friendship. Maybe, if I was straight, I would've made jokes about it or something and just forgot about it.'' he shrugged and smiled. ''You could have tried, you know.''

''Yeah, yeah. I know. But now it's already 20 years later or something, so you tell me this a bit too late.'' I looked up and grinned. Dom giggled, shook his head and kissed me. I shivered, closed my eyes and kissed him back.

Finally, after all those years, I had finally found the love of my life.

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