Destiny: 11

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''Come on, Matt,'' Dom sighed deeply and pulled at my arm. ''We have to visit that woman. She brought us together and you've been very mean to her.''

''I haven't!'' I replied and crossed my arms over my chest, pouting.

''Yes, you have. You told me everything last night. And you know pouting doesn't help, so, stop.'' He poked my bottom lip and grinned.

I snorted, sighed deeply and put on my shoes. ''Fine, I'll go to her. I'll just apologize and then I want to leave.'' I shrieked when Dom slapped my bum and looked up. He grinned naughtily and I rolled my eyes. He giggled, grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I walked out of the apartment with Dom following me and stepped into the elevator. Dom pushed me against the wall and pinned my wrists above my head, making me gasp. He kissed me deeply and my eyes fluttered closed. The doors opened when we reached the  ground floor and we stepped out quickly, before we could get caught.

Dom giggled, grabbed my hand again and we walked out of the building. ''Where is it?'' he asked and I looked around.

''I don't really remember.'' I said and Dom sighed annoyed. I snorted and started walking towards Colin's school. We reached the caravan and I sighed, looking up at Dom. ''Here.''

''I'm so proud of you.'' Dom ruffled my hair, grinned and knocked on the door.

I huffed and shook my head. ''Don't do that. And don't act like I'm a child, I just don't want to go there. I'm done with her.''

He rolled his eyes and looked at me. ''You act like a child, so don't say it's my fault. And I know you are, Matt, you already told me a hundred times. But I feel like we should thank her, so shut up.''

I wrinkled my nose and looked up when the woman opened the door. She looked at us and grinned widely. ''Finally!'' she said excitedly and shook her head. ''That took you long.''

''Yes, I know.'' I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. ''I'm only here to say sorry because I've been very mean to you.''

''I know.'' She smirked and I let out an annoyed sigh. She giggled and looked at Dom. ''It's nice to finally see you.''

Dom nodded and smiled. ''Same! Thank you very much for everything you've done for us.''

''I didn't do anything,'' she smiled and looked at me. ''He did it. I only told him what to do. But it still took him months..''

I took a deep breath and looked up at Dom. ''I want to go home. Now.''

He and the woman began to laugh and I rolled my eyes. ''Come on, love,'' he said and wrapped an arm around me. ''She's just teasing you.''

''I don't care!'' I snorted. ''I don't like it, I want to go home.''

Dom giggled, looked at the woman and grinned. ''It seems like we have to go now. But thank you again.''

The woman shook her head and smiled. We said goodbye and walked away. I pulled Dom after me and looked angrily ahead. Dom giggled, ran a bit to catch up with me and looked at me. ''Come on,'' he giggled. ''It wasn't that bad. She seems very nice, I don't understand why you've been mean to her.''

''Because,'' I looked annoyed up. ''She teased me the whole time and I fucking hate that. And now you're teasing me too.'' I pouted. He grinned, shook his head and cupped my cheek. He leaned in and kissed me deeply.

I moaned loudly when I sat down on Dom's cock and placed my hands on his chest, steadying myself.  I began to move up and down and Dom grabbed my hips, groaning softly. He leaned his head back against the headboard and looked at me, lust filling his eyes. He thrusted his hips up and I moaned loudly, arching my back. I began to bounce faster and my mouth fell open in pleasure. I panted softly, gasped when Dom rolled us over carefully and looked up at him. He was already sweating and his blonde hair was sticking to his forehead. He kissed me deeply, grabbed my hip and began to move again, hard and fast. I was moaning like a whore and the way he hit my prostate at every thrust made my head spin.

Suddenly, Dom arched his back, gasped and came hard inside me. His thrusts slowed down and he pulled out of me, making me whine and squirm. ''I didn't come yet!'' I shouted and looked up at him, panting heavily. ''Get back inside me.''

He giggled, shook his head and spread my legs again, lying down between them. He lifted my hips a bit and licked slowly over my entrance. I gasped, arched my back and moaned loudly. ''Fuck.'' I groaned and grabbed his hair. He pushed my hand away, grinned and licked again. He slowly licked his way up to my balls and sucked on them. I cried out and arched my back again. He suddenly let go of them, sat up and grabbed my cock, which was lying heavily on my belly. I gasped, opened my eyes and looked up at him. He bent over carefully, grinned at me and started to suck on the head of my cock. I cried out and rolled my hips powerfully, trying to get deeper into the wet warmth of his mouth.

I came soon after and Dom sucked me dry. He sat up, swallowed heavily and grinned at me. I blushed and panted heavily. ''That was just... woah. Jesus Christ, I knew your mouth was amazing but now I love it even more.'' he giggled shyly and lay down next to me. I wrapped my arms around him, pulled him close and kissed him softly. He kissed me back, smiled and wrapped a leg around me.

''I love you.'' he whispered softly and I smiled.

''I love you too.''

''Are you sure about this?'' I asked softly and looked up at Dom. He nodded and knocked on the door of Chris' house. We'd agreed to meet there with Tom, also a friend of us. We met him when we were thirteen and he was really weird, so we liked him. Luckily, he hadn't changed, and was still as weird as he used to be. The door opened and Kelly smiled at us. She opened the door wider and Dom and I walked inside after greeting her. We took our shoes off in the hallway, walked to the living room and sat down next to each other on the couch. Tom was already there and Kelly told us that Chris would be back home soon - he was picking up Frankie from football. She made us both a cup of tea and Tom looked suspiciously at us.

''Why did you want to talk to me and Chris?'' he asked and I looked up from the telly.

''We can't say that yet,'' Dom grinned. ''We have to tell you and Chris, so we've to wait until he's home.''

Tom let out an annoyed sigh and crossed his arms over his chest. He poked his tongue out at Dom and looked at the telly. Dom giggled, shook his head and looked at me. I smiled nervously and sipped my tea.

Not long after that Chris walked into the house and sat down on a chair. ''So?'' He looked at us and grinned.

Tom looked up at him and raised his eyebrows. ''Why are you grinning?''

''Because I probably know what they are going to say.'' he replied and grinned more. ''Tell us.''

''Well,'' I took a deep breath and shivered when Dom placed his hand on my lower back, the heat of his skin burning through my shirt. ''Dom and I... after all that happened.. we're, you know.. we're together.''

Tom gasped and Chris cheered, throwing his arms in the air. ''I knew it!'' he shouted and began to laugh. I blushed and looked shyly at my cup. ''I fucking knew it. Jesus Christ, that took you long, Matt.''

I groaned and rubbed over my forehead. ''Yes, yes I know. Everybody has told me that already, I think. So I know it took me long, okay?''

''Wait,'' Tom frowned. ''You're together like... boyfriends?'' Dom and I looked at each other and we nodded. ''Oh god,'' he whispered and placed his hands over his head. ''That means you two fuck each other in the bum.''

I giggled, grabbed Dom's hand and nodded. ''Yeah, we do.''

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