Destiny: 2

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It was 7 am and Colin and I were sitting at our kitchen table, eating our cereal. I was reading the newspaper and Colin tried to read a book I'd bought for him, but he failed miserably. When we were both done, I made his backpack ready for school and he put his shoes and coat on. I did it too, gave him his backpack and walked with him to the elevator, after I'd locked the door.

Colin pushed the button enthusiastically and pouted when I told him to stop.

We stepped inside the elevator when it arrived at our floor and I pressed the button for the ground floor. Colin looked at himself in the mirror, giggled and pulled weird faces. I grinned and ruffled his hair.

We walked out of the apartment building and we walked to Colin's school. He held my hand tightly and chattered happily about what his teacher told him they were going to do that day. I smiled and nodded sometimes, getting tired of his constant talking.

When we, finally, arrived at his school I gave him a kiss on his cheek and he ran into the school, giggling. I sighed, smiled softly and walked back home. I looked up at the caravan when I walked past it, looked around me and walked to it. I knocked softly on the door and it was opened in a few seconds. The woman smiled at me and took a step aside. ''Come in, please.'' I nodded, swallowed heavily and walked inside. She told me to sit down on a couch, which was battered and covered with cat hair.

I shook my head and smiled. ''No, thank you. I'll be fine.''

''Sit down.'' she demanded and I sat down quickly, frowning. She smiled and walked away. I sighed and looked around the caravan. It was tiny and everything was gross. The couch, floor, kitchen, everything. I looked up stratled when a cat jumped into my lap and I pushed it away. He hissed and clawed my arm. I whined, curled up and looked angrily at the cat. It walked away with his tail high in the air. The cunt.

The woman came back with a few cards and sat down on the chair opposite me. She placed the cards on the table with the pictures down, and looked at me. ''Grab four cards.''

I frowned, nodded and looked at them. I let out a big sigh and grabbed four cards, giving them to her. She looked at them, nodded and placed them next to her on the arm-rest. She grabbed my hand and looked at my palm, murmuring things to herself. I frowned and looked annoyed outside. What a waste of time, I should've known this before.

The woman looked at me after a while and smiled. ''Interesting..'' she nodded.

I looked at her and frowned. ''What?''

''It's very interesting..'' she replied.

''What is interesting?!'' I snapped and blushed. ''I'm sorry.''

She smiled and nodded again. ''I knew you would do that.''

''Great,'' I said sarcastically and sighed. ''Tell me something about my future or whatever, so I can pay and leave you. This is nonsense.''

She nodded, again, and lets go of my hand. She stood slowly up, grabbed all the cards and places them back in the package. She looked at me and hummed. ''You're going to meet someone...''

''Okay,'' I nodded. ''And? Is something interesting going to happen or am I just going to meet someone?''

She shook her head and smiled. ''Someone... special.. Your soulmate.''

''Ha!'' I snorted. ''My soulmate left me so this is fucking nonsense.'' I stood up and walked to the door.

''Wait!'' the woman said and I turned to her. ''Don't you want to hear more about it?''

I shrugged and nodded. ''Fine, just do it quickly.''

''The person you're going to meet is your soulmate,'' she repeated and hummed. ''The person is blonde and has grey-eyes. The person is lovely, sweet and you're too stubborn to find out who it is.''

She smirked and I shook my head, grabbing my wallet. ''How much?''

''It's free.'' She smiled and I sighed. I placed my wallet back in my pocket and walked out of the caravan. ''Bye, and thank you! I guess.'' I snorted and walked quickly to my apartment.

I'm not stubborn, what a fucking cunt. How dare she say that about me, god damn it.

I threw my keys angrily in the bowl on the windowsill and sat down on the couch. I grabbed my phone and called Dom, because he fucking needed to know what happened to me even if he didn't care. I lay down on the couch, stared at the black screen of the telly and waited for Dom to answer my call.

Dominic has been my friend for more than twenty years. We met eachother at school, became friends and now we're still friends. He's the best friend ever. He's a good listener and he's always really kind. He's like the opposite of me.

''Hey, Matt!'' Dom said and I could hear him smiling, which made me smile too. ''Why did you call me? It's quite early!''

I giggled and sighed deeply. ''I'm sorry,'' I heard him grin and shook my head. ''I just have to tell you something.''

I heard Dom walking and then he sat down on something. ''I'm ready.'' he laughed.

''So, I went to a fortune teller,'' I begin and smirked when he laughed again. ''Shut up! I went there because she told me my future looked interesting!''

He giggled and sighed. ''Poor you.''

''Yes,'' I sighed and hummed. ''So, when I got there I had to choose four cards and she read my hand or something. Complete nonsense.''

''And?'' Dom hummed.

''She said I'm going to meet my soulmate.'' I laughed and shook my head. ''Then she said I'm never going to find out who it is because I'm stubborn.''

It was quiet for a while and I looked at my phone. ''Dom? Are you still there?'' I asked worried.

''Y-yes, I am.'' Dom said shakily and sighed. ''I've to go, Matt. I'll call you later.''

I frowned and looked confused at my phone again when Dom ended the call.

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