Chapter 9

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All the single ladies! All the single ladies! Twyne's phone sang.
Twyne rolled over in his bed, trying to ignore his ringtone. He had forgotten about the little joke Karter had pulled up until now.

All the single ladies! All the single ladies! Twyne couldn't take much more early morning Beyoncé so he decided to finally answer his phone.

Twyne sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Mph...hello...?"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey." Karter said in a sing-song cheery tone.

Twyne looked out the window and then at his grandfather clock. There was just enough orangish light illuminating it for Twyne to see it was hardly 4:05 AM. As in, I still have atleady 5 more hours of sleep 4:05 AM.


"Yeahhh?" Karter answered, still in his same sing-song voice.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" Twyne tried his best from screaming and waking anybody up.

Karter glanced at the bottom of his laptop screen to see the time.
"Oh wow. That's surreal, I totally lost track of time. I had an idea when I came home. I really want to share it with you."

Twyne wanted to reach his hand through his phone and choke Karter until he turned colors, but took his anger out on a pillow.

"Can't this wait until, maybe, a couple hours?" Twyne said trying to sound patient as if he wasn't two moments from going off.

"No way! Brilliance can't be stalled. Time is money, money is time." Karter replied, causing Twyne to look up at the ceiling and suck his cheeks in. One moment from going off.

"Okay, what's this idea?"

"Well, it's kinda more than idea now. I sort of told some people, important people, about our discovery. Now they're on their way here to air it live on television and take the creature into further inspection."

Twyne breathed heavy, not saying anything for a while.

"When are they coming, exactly?"

"Two days..."

"And what kinds of people?"

"Well, it'll be live on Good Morning America and a bunch of science dudes. People like that."

"Science dudes?

"Uh, yeah."


Twyne hung up, his eye twitching. He would've choked another pillows but was too tired and ended falling back into bed and going to sleep.

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