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Twyne ran his hand through his crazy hair and sighed.
For a moment it was quiet and peaceful. He felt calm...happy even. He liked this feeling. He hadn't felt like this since what seemed like forever.

And then there was a noise. Something was being thrown at the window.

What the heck is that...or who?

Twyne got up and looked out his window. His best friend, to his surprise, was throwing rocks.

Of coarse it's Karter the idiot. You can count on him to be stupid.
Twyne rolled up his window and looked down at Karter.
Karter waved with a huge smile.

"What are you doing here?" Twyne asked.

"I love you too, dude. You have such a way with words."

"You're supposed to be in Philadelphia visiting your grandmother."

"Grandma got a three for one deal for a trip to Disney Land so she took her BINGO buddies and left."

"So you came to my prison?"

"I came to rescue you, my princess. I'm your knight in shining armor."

"So where are we going this time?"

"To that place."

"What place?" Twyne suddenly became interested.

"Terabithia!" Karter giggled.

"You idiot! Where are we going really?"

"Wherever you wanna go. You lead the way. I already got our bikes."

Twyne smiled and hopped out of the window landing feet first.
"I forgot I was friends with a cat."

"And you're a gopher-rat-dog-potato thing."

"I know. I'm so fabulous."

Twyne rolled his eyes. Then he noticed his bike leaning against a tree near Karter's. He hopped on and got in the position to start pedaling.

Karter quickly did the same, and just as he did Twyne started pedaling off.

"So where are we going?" Karter asked, not even expecting to be answered.

Twyne didn't usually answer questions if he didn't want to.
But Twyne actually did answer.
"Some place quiet." he said hardly loud enough for Karter to hear.
Karter smiled and rode closely behind Twyne.
And then unexpectedly, Karter breaks into singing.

"Off for an adventure, an adventure to a new world

Off for a new life, a new something to find

A new world that will be oh so divine"

Twyne rolls his eyes. "Please, shut up." he croaks.
Karter's singing actually isn't all that bad, but Twyne would never admit that. Besides, it's Twyne's duty to put Karter down.
He was his best friend, after all.

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