Just in Case | Chapter 1

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A/N : Hello my Loves! This is my first story that I'm very excited about, I don't know maybe it's the fact I'm listening to the song after thinking about a certain- never mind. Any who please enjoy, vote, and  comment.



"London, wake up!" yelled a voice that was startlingly familiar.

"I'm up," I answered back, my voice sleep-filled and muffled by the pillow that had been very comfortably laying under my head.

"I mean it London. If you don't get up we're going to be late for school!"

"If you don't get up your going to be late for school," I grumbled mockingly, sitting up and wiping the evidence of sleep from my eyes. Louder I told her, " Stop whining, gosh. I know you see me getting up."

Tiffany, my sister, rolled her eyes before storming out of my room. Little sisters can be such pains at times. First, they're looking up to you as a role model. Then, they're going through your personal belongings without permission.

Shaking my head I headed to my bathroom. After jumping in the shower, I picked out a cute high-low top with a pair of leggings and started on my hair.

After the fifth attempt to try and braid my hair into a fish tail braid, I decided to let it all out.

My sister walked in just as I put my other hazel contact in, masking the natural gray color of my eyes, but mainly serving the purpose of allowing me to see better without glasses.

"You ready to go Tiff? "

"Yes. I've been ready for the past two hours!"

"Well, if you're in such a hurry, why don't you catch the bus to school," I asked, jumping in the driver's seat of my 2013 Honda Accord.

Tiffany gives me a look of pure murder before saying,"You know why," and plugging her earphones into her ear.

"Yeah, your so afraid of a cute boy having a huge crush on you," I say loudly, hoping she heard me over whatever she was listening to. Unfortunately, she didn't. Instead, she starts humming.

I knew from experience that when my sister hummed, shortly after she'd start to sing. Let me just say that she didn't exactly pick up the singing genes from our father.

Right on cue, Tiffany started singing "Take You" by Justin Bieber. Since I didn't really take to hearing my sister try to sing that song, I blasted One Direction's new song "Best Song Ever" and sang that over her. My plan originally was to tune out my sister's singing, but somehow I ended getting deep into the song. For some odd reason, I always get deep into their songs.

"And we danced all night, to the best song ever!"

We arrived at school right as the song finished and I looked for a reasonable parking space.

"Is that how you feel with Ja-"

My head snapped in Tiffany's direction. "Shut up Tiffany! Just shut up. I don't want to talk about it." By this time I had found a parking space right in front of the school. I hopped out of my car as quickly as possible. This was not the time to talk about Jason. It was the beginning of school and I didn't want to start it off stressed.


A/N : It's me again :D Hope you liked the first chapter. It's short but I'm going to try to make it longer, plus I wanted to hurry and get this story out there because I said it a long time ago but I've been holding back...... Sorry. Please vote if you liked it.


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