Just in Case | Chapter 2

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A/N : I just wanted to say thank you to NiallBooBear123 for being the first person to read and vote for this story. That means a lot to me and I truly appreciate it. She inspired me to write this chapter. Oh and please check out her story : A True Love Story of Harry Styles :D

And here is Chapter 2



I walked all the way to my locker without looking back. On my way there, I saw a bunch of people look at me weird, but I didn't care. All I cared about was getting my head phones and blasting my music.

I unlocked the combination to my locker and opened it. I quickly grabbed my neon green head phones and plugged them into my iPhone. Since I had a free first period, I decided to go outside. I found the nearest bench under a tree and just laid there listening to my playlist.

The beat of the music was pulsating through my skin and it felt good. When I was in this position, I felt free. Music was my escape to everything. If I were sad, mad, confused, happy, or just plain bored, music would always be there for me to turn to. All my friends knew that when the head phones were in, I was out. I listened to my music so often I knew the playlist by heart. Life was good when music was involved.

I felt good when music was involved.

Unfortunately, I was interrupted from my fantasy, when my best friend, Jasmine came and tapped me on my shoulder.

I turned to look at her. She was saying something, but my headphones were still in. I pulled one out. "What?"

"You're going to be late for second period!"

"Oh my gosh, I must have dozed off." I got up from the bench and put my phone in my back pocket. I then grab my book bag and sling it over my shoulder. I walk over to Jasmine and get ready to walk into the hallway, but I'm grabbed by my wrist and pulled back.

I look over to Jasmine, who has my wrist in her hand. "Yes?"

"I don't get a hello," she asks, crossing her arms and giving me her "I'm waiting" look.

I sigh and give her a hug. " Hey, Jazzie. I just have a lot on my mind right now. Sorry, sis."

Even though Jasmine and I weren't biological sisters, we still called each other sisters. Jasmine had always been there for me and I had always been there for her. She was more than a best friend to me; she was family.

"It's okay. You wanna talk about it?"

I sigh. "Not right now." I begin to walk, but get stopped once more. I turn back around to Jasmine.

Before I can say anything, Jazzie points to my hair. I grab the elastic band from my wrist and put my hair into a ponytail. Apparently my little nap, was a wild one, because my hair was tossed around over my head. If it weren't for Jasmine, I don't know what I'd do.

"Better?" I ask.

"Yup." Together we walk into the crowded hallways of Madison High School, making our way to second period. Jasmine and I were lucky enough to have all but one period together.

Just as we turned the corner, I realized I shared this period with Jason. I honestly hoped he didn't come to school today. I remember when we used to date, he'd always complain about how much he hated Mrs. Jackson's United History class. Once, we both skipped her class together and just roamed the halls until the next block, but we were caught and had detention for a whole week. That entire week in detention, Jason and I would pass each other silly notes every time Mrs. Jackson had her back turned.

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