Today Has Been A Great Day!

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They finally arrived at there secret... Well it wasn't so secret Nicole, Anna, Chloe, and Mae was there. It was Jayde's 16th birthday on Wednesday and she wanted to spend it with her close friend and what she considers her family. "SUPRISE" everyone said. "Awe you guys thank you so much." "Your welcome honey". Mrs. Wilson says. Now I tell you Mrs. Wilson is one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet and one of the hardest people you have to leave. "You guys are so awesome I love you". "We love you to." Lauren says. "Jayde Jayde Jayde open my presents first!" Nicole says with a smile touching her ear. "No you guys didn't have to get me anything this is enough really". "Jayde if you don't open the dang present I'm coming over there." She says with a giggle. Jayde opens the present and pulls out a picture frame with a picture of  her Mae, Nicole, Lauren, Anna Chloe, and Mrs. Wilson. "I love it thank you so much." "Here" Lauren says "Open mine next". Her cheeks red of excitement. "I think you'll love it". Her face become very mischievous. "Oh no I'm scared". She reaches in the purple bag and pulls out a box. She opens it and finds a golden locket. Her eyes begin to fill with tears. "Go ahead open it."  It was a picture of Lauren and Jayde on the first day of High School. Tears begin to role down Jayde's face. "Do you like it?" "I...I love it. I will cherish this always and forever thank you!" "Your welcome now come here". They hugged for which seemed like forever but I mean there best friends what are you gonna do. "Here let me put it on you turn around." Jayde lifted her hair and Lauren put it on her. Jayde looked down at the locket and said "Thank you really this means a lot to me". "Her sissy will you ours next it's from Anna and me?" "Yea sure."  It was a tie die stuffed bear with a card that said "When you ever feel upset or down look at me and think of us. We love you Jayde. ~Anna&Chloe." "Awe you guys are so sweet and amazing just thank you so much." "Yelp well that's not it turn around". She turned around slowly to find a golden retriever puppy with the cutest little bow on the side of her neck. The puppy comes running and jumps in her arms. Hugs it and cries into her golden fur "I think I'll name her Princess because she royal and special to me". "I think that's a wonder full name sweetie. So did you have a good day?" "I had an amazing day thank you for everything really and means the world to me." "Sis you have one my gift to open." "Yeah you HAVE TO OPEN IT. There are no if ands or buts about it ok." Anna says really really excitedly. "Guys seriously you didn't have to get me anything I would have been fine with sitting on the couch with you guys eating pizza with big fluffy blankets and pillows watching Netflix." "I said open it child." Mae said in a strict voice. "Ok ok MOTHER I'll open." Princess jumps into her lap and pokes her head through Jayde's arms. "Haha you wanna help me princess?" She put her hand in and pulled out sparkling Micky Mouse ear. "These are adorable." She put them on princess. "I think princess likes them to. But what do I need Mickey Mouse ears for?" says with confusion. "Well" Mrs. Wilson said. "We're going to DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!" "WHAT ARE YOU SERIOUS OH MY GOODNESS." She began to cry and didn't care who was watching. They all began to do there happy dance in the middle of the park it was quite amusing. "Well guys it's getting late we should start packing up. "Aweeeee". We all said in unison. "I wish this day would never end I love you guys so much y'all are just amazing." "We love you to the door is always open if you need us!" "Thank you so much I can't say it enough just thank you."

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