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Wilmer being her photographer was like the universe playing some sick joke on her. In a way, this is where it all started. This is how their relationship began, with him behind the camera and her as his subject. It was difficult getting through the photoshoot because every time they would make eye contact, an electric surge would course through her body and she'd get the urge to wrap her arms around him and never let him go. She wanted him so badly. But she had been the one to ruin things...again. It was her fault that they had ended. And she couldn't even explain herself because she didn't know if he would really understand why she treated him the way that she did after he tried to give her the world.

"Should we take a break for lunch?" Mark questioned, looking between the two of them. Demi was about to open her mouth to decline the offer but Marissa piped in with a "yes" and now they were on break. She knew she shouldn't have let Marissa come to her doctor's appointment with her but she had been so worried about her condition or whatever and Marissa really was the closest thing to a best friend that she had. She was annoying...but she was still her friend.

"Wait," Wilmer called, walking towards Demi only for her to take a step towards Marissa. He would be lying if he said the action didn't hurt him but he cleared his throat and squinted in the afternoon sun.

"Demi, do you have something that you need to tell me?" Wilmer asked. If she would tell him, if she would be honest with him, he would take her back. He would listen to why she insisted on pushing him away and he would welcome her back with open arms. It was useless being away from her when she was the only woman that he really wanted.

"The pictures look great so far. You've only gotten better at your job," she said, her voice not shaking at all and her eyes staying on him. He pursed his lips but nodded before turning away. Maybe she didn't want him back. Maybe their relationship wasn't as important to her as it was to him.

"You need to eat," Marissa hissed as she practically dragged her back to her tent, but not without Demi sparing a glance at Wilmer. He was looking at his camera but as soon as her eyes landed on him he looked up as if he knew that she was looking at him. She wanted to run up to him and tell him that she was pregnant but she just didn't know how. They weren't together. How would things work if he knew she was pregnant?

"I'm not hungry," Demi immediately said. There were sandwich and fruit and vegetable platters laid out on a table for her. She usually had Marissa send in her requests for what she wanted in a dressing room but it wasn't like she had been eating that much lately so she hadn't specially requested anything.


"No!" Marissa exclaimed, cutting Demi off for the first time ever. "I know you're my boss but as your assistant and someone who cares about you I am telling that you need to eat and you are going to eat. You don't care about the baby? Fine! But I do! So you're going to take care of yourself from this point forward," Marissa hissed before marching over to the table and filling a plate with two sandwiches and every fruit and vegetable available. She practically pushed Demi into one of the chairs before shoving the plate in her lap and going back to the table to get her a bottle of water.

"Eat," she demanded before storming out of the tent. Usually Demi didn't take orders from anyone, especially someone that she paid to work for her, but Marissa had her best interest at heart, and she actually was hungry so she took a small bite out of the sandwich and practically moaned as the food dropped into her empty stomach.

"Hey," Marissa greeted as she walked up to Wilmer after she yelled at Demi. She would've gone back and apologized except she really wasn't sorry. It was sad that her and Wilmer broke up but Demi was being pathetic. The two most important people in the world to her were her children and now she was pregnant and she wasn't taking care of herself. It didn't make sense.

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