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When they got back to the office, Marissa immediately began packing her things up, and much to Demi's annoyance, Wilmer followed her all the way to up her office and refused to leave. And to make matters worse, Cathy was waiting on her and she was the last person that she felt like dealing with.

"Demetria Lovato pregnant again! Lovato's secret child! Is it Wilmer's or Nick's?" Cathy read as she scrolled through her phone. Demi collapsed on her cushiony leather chair as Wilmer sat down across from her and Cathy looked between the two.

"You guys need to get back together. Well no one knew that you actually broke up but you need to get back together, even if it's just for the public eye," Cathy said as Demi shook her head. This was the last thing that she felt like dealing with today. She didn't even think that her belly was noticeable.


"Demi, you've really been pushing it with your image lately. You've made my job ten times harder than it needs to be so right now I am telling you, to make it easy on all of us, you need to get back with him," she pointed to Wilmer before she continued. "You guys need to go to doctor's appointments together, go baby shopping, spend time with the twins and his daughter, let a popular magazine do a spread on the baby's room. You need to do something because your image is an absolute mess right now."

"And why is that my fault?" Demi exclaimed, standing up and pushing her chair back so hard that it slammed against the wall. "Why the hell do I have to do all of that shit, huh? Why? Why is it anyone's business if I'm pregnant or not? Why is it anyone's business who I'm dating? Why is it anyone's business what I'm doing my life? My job is to design clothes! That is it! I didn't sign up for all of this extra stuff!" By the time she finished telling her face was beet red and she was pacing the floor so hard that Wilmer was sure she was gonna burn a hole through it. She wasn't crying but she was huffing and puffing like she wanted to, so Wilmer shot Cathy a glance causing her to leave the office.

He slowly stood from the chair and walked around her desk to where she was standing. He wrapped his hands around her arms to halt her pacing and she sniffled as he pulled her into his chest and let her cry into his shirt. She had missed him so much. Words couldn't even describe how much she had missed him, how she desperately just wanted to be his again and wanted everything to be okay. As he held her and kissed the top of her head and whispered reassurances into her hair, she felt more at peace than she had in the past year. She couldn't believe she had let him go again. She would never forgive herself.

"I'm tired," she whimpered for the first time in forever. Admitting her weaknesses, letting someone see her vulnerability...she couldn't do that to anyone else but Wilmer. He didn't look at her in pity or yell at her for not taking care of herself. He just understood her. He didn't say any words but he packed her stuff up, helped her into her jacket, and escorted her out of her office. She heard him say something to Marissa but she didn't care what it is. All she wanted was to go home, crawl underneath her covers, and go to sleep wrapped in Wilmer's arms.

"Come on," he helped her out of the car once they made it to the Plaza and held her hand the entire elevator ride up to her suite. There were no words exchanged between them because they never felt the need to fill up silence with forced conversation. It was another thing that she loved about him, another thing that she missed about him.

Dorinda opened the door because Wilmer couldn't find Demi's key in her giant purse, and a smile graced her face as Wilmer followed Demi into the house, helping her out of her coat and her shoes before taking her upstairs.

As soon as they entered her room, Demi began to strip out of her clothing, a trail of clothes leading to her bedside until she was just in her bra and underwear, her underdeveloped baby bump standing proud as Wilmer pulled the covers back for her and helped her into the bed.

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