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Demi didn't know why but for some reason Wilmer's mother had gotten them the baby monitors that beeped and flashed red lights whenever the baby started crying. And when that annoying device went off at three in the morning, Demi wanted to start crying. She appreciated the gift but she was considering taking them back to the store in exchange for the normal baby monitors.

"Demi, get your daughter," Wilmer groaned into his pillow, rolling onto his side and taking half of the cover with him.

"She's only my daughter when it's time to feed her," she sleepily replied. Another great thing about those baby monitors was that as the baby cried louder, they got louder, just in case they weren't obnoxious enough.

"It's three, it is time to feed her." Their banter had awakened them so eventually, both of them climbed out of the bed and slipped into their robes. Demi shut off the annoying monitor before following Wilmer to the nursery down the hall. Inside of the pink room, their three month old daughter was crying inside of her crib, but the cries stayed inside of the soundproof room.

"What's wrong Devy?" Demi cooed, kissing the top of her head as she lifted her out of the crib. Devonne, affectionately referred to as Devy by everyone in the family, immediately quieted down as Demi rested her against her chest to feel her diaper. She wasn't wet and for once she wasn't tugging at her robe so she wasn't hungry either. She probably just wanted to be held, which made Demi sigh as she collapsed on Wilmer's lap in the comfy rocking chair that he had picked out.

"You just wanted some cuddles baby?" Demi asked the half asleep child that had resorted to sucking on her fists because after a week in the hospital, Demi had thrown out every pacifier that was given to her. She had explained to Wilmer that pacifiers led to braces and she wasn't about to go through that.

"I can hold her if you wanna go back to sleep. You have a busy day tomorrow," Wilmer suggested, but he was on his way back to sleep. Demi released a wide yawn as she shook her head. She knew that she had a busy day and would need all the sleep that she could get, but she loved moments like these. Waking up in the middle of the night wasn't her favorite thing but it was nice having alone time with Wilmer and Devy before things got chaotic and busy and they had a million things to do.

"Baby, you hear that?"

"What is it hermosa?"

"Peace and quiet," she whispered with a giggle. Devy had fallen back to sleep so Demi stood up and placed her in her crib. She still couldn't believe that she had another baby. Apparently neither could anyone else. The tabloids had exploded with the news and everyone wanted interviews and photo shoots but Demi declined them all. She could care less about the press and she was back to her old policy of no interviews unless it was a reputable magazine or for the promotion of her company.

"We should savor it because lord knows we're not gonna get any in about four hours," Wilmer said after Demi came and sat back down on his lap, wrapping her arms around him and resting her head on his chest.

"Did you ever think you'd have more kids?" Demi questioned as Wilmer shook his head. She knew that she was keeping him awake but once she was awake, she couldn't go back to sleep.

"No, but I'm glad we had Devy. She's a blessing. And I love our mixed family. And I love you," he pecked her nose as she giggled and closed her eyes.

"I love you too."

Once again, Demi was awaken by cries. But surprisingly, the cries weren't coming from her three month old daughter, but instead her five year old twins who seemed to be having melt downs.

"There goes that peace and quiet," Demi mumbled, rising out of bed again. Her and Wilmer had moved back to their room once they figured that Devy was settled for the night. She shrugged into her robe and released a wide yawn as she exited her room and walked down the hall to where the twins' rooms were. When they moved into the new house, Demi had asked them if they wanted separate rooms and they had said yes so their rooms were separate but right next to each other. Isabella's room was in the basement because she wanted her own private space away from everyone since she was sixteen now.

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