Chapter 1- how they all met...

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                                    (3 weeks later)

Kinzie's POV.
I woke up in the middle of the night to Hunter crying. I went to go see if he's okay. When I woke up I totally forgot that we were in this old beat up house. Oh yea I forgot to tell you while we were exploring in the past 3 weeks we found an old house in the country with no occupants or zombies so this is where we have been staying. Anyways, I went to go see if Hunter was okay and he was he just had a nightmare. He has been getting those lately. Poor kid.

Courtney's pov.
I had heard Hunter crying, but when I went to see if he is okay I saw Kinzie beat me to him. It was starting to become dawn so I decided to stay up. I went downstairs to check our supplies; I realized that we are low on food and water. Kinzie came downstairs into the kitchen. "Kinize I'm going on a run watch Hunter and run if anything or anyone comes okay?" I grabbed my crossbow and knife.

As I was walking out the door I saw Kinzie lock the doors behind me. There was a nearby convenient so that's where I started heading to. When I got there I scoped out the store. There was one zombie but I killed it. I got a few items then went to the back of the store when I heard a *Ding* that signals that the door has been opened. I then heard foot steps. I loaded my crossbow and stepped out from where I was hiding and pointed my crossbow getting ready to shoot.

"Drop your fucking weapons! NOW!" I jumped out of my spot as I told them to drop their weapons. They will not steal our supplies! I looked at the three people in front of me. A black woman with a katana, a man with a white t-shirt and a revolver, and a kid about Kinizes age with a sheriff hat and a pistol. "DROP THE WEAPONS!" I yell again putting my crossbow up. "Are there more of you?" The man with the revolver asked. I stay silent. "Tell us now!" The boy yells. I stay silent and still.

Since there was some commotion it attracted a zombie. It came in and they didn't realize it so I shot it before it could get to them. "Thanks! You really saved us!" The man with the white shirt and revolver said. "Now tell us who you are!" The boy around kinzie's age said. "Calm down carl." I still didn't want to say anything. " Honey, we aren't trying to steal your stuff we came here to get our own supplies." The man with the revolver said

"Please don't call me honey...brings back bad memories." I look down remembering Nicky calling me that. "Sorry....I'm Rick. This Carl and Michonne." Rick says. "I'm Courtney and yes there are others my brother and best friend but they are not here..." I smile. "If you want to join us we must ask you some questions." I nod. "How many walkers have you killed?" I think for a minute. "Way too many to even count." I grab my arrow out of the walkers. "How many people?" Rick asks. "None but my friend killed two. Her parents don't talk about it"

"Alright you're in. Where's your friend and your brother? Well got get them and be on our way back to the group." I told them to follow me. When I got to the house I unlocked the door and I didn't see Kinzie and Hunter anywhere. I started freaking out  "Calm down dumbass I'm right here." She said slightly laughing while walking down the stairs with Hunter. Once she got to the bottom of the stairs she looked at the people behind me. "Who are these people?" She said while pointing at them. She then set Hunter down and he ran towards Carl. Carl then picked him up.

I tensed up a bit. "That's Carl. Michonne and Rick. That's Kinize and that's Hunter" I point at each. "Sorry about Hunter!" Kinize says. Hunter looked like he was about to fall asleep. "He is fine I guess little kids just like me! Dad we should get back now." Carl says. I nod and start packing our things we have.

Kinzies pov.
We started packing our stuff to go to this "other group of survivors." I guess that was fine though. I thought everyone was nice. Especially that Carl kid. I just shook my head and continued pack. At some point I heard Rick take out a walkie talkie and he reached someone named Daryl. He told Daryl to come to this house and help us. When he showed up he looked to be a little older than Courtney. I caught Courtney eyeing him up a little bit it was kinda funny.

I elbowed her and she looked down. "Shut up" she said walking away from me. I laughed a little bit. We had Hunter go grab his toy he left on the back porch. Everything was okay while we packed until we all heard a scream. "What the hell was that!?" I ask. "Where is Hunter!?" Courtney takes off running I follow her. When we get on the back porch a zombie was about to bite Hunter when Courtney ran over and pushed the walker off Hunter. Hunter ran over to me, so I picked him up. I looked over to see Courtney kicking the zombie over and over. Until Carl shot the zombie. Courtney walked back into the beat up house covered in blood.

After we washed her up we took one last look around the house and left. After about 20 minutes of walking we arrived at some sort of prison where the others were. They introduced us to all the survivors. We sent Hunter to play with the other kids. They then explained how they got there and how their mayor killed a lot of their people and was just plain evil and they ended up saving the rest of them from the mayor so that's how there were so many people in their group.

Everyone is really sweet and fun. I really liked Beth, we are the same age so it's nice to talk to her. I kind of find the prison creepy though. I for some reason was out with Carl in the same cell...great! I met Carl's little sister Judith she is adorable! Carl is holding her in our cell so I sat with him and played with her. I love the group so far.

(walking dead fanfic book 1) Zombie takeoverWhere stories live. Discover now