Home to my parents Koschei

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I walked into the cave . [The cave next to the ocean \( ̄▽ ̄;)/ how clashay anyway] and into the house built in the cave [seriously I'm just pulling this out of my ass now Marceline the vampire queen hey don't judge me back to the story]
I walked in putting my keys in the door and past the fish tank angel fish just like my mate. my love. my heart. what the FUCK where the hell did that come from ugh oh moon goddess why. I walked in the kitchen my parents weren't around they were out on business again as I walked through my bedroom door I heard the phone ring and I turned right back around and went on search for the phone. I picked it up on its last ring

*Hi dear how are you today*
It was my mom
* good I said listen I...*
She cut me off
*we will be home soon but we need your help to bring in our treasure for the hord .*
*we'll be there in 20 minutes then we can talk OK because we have been flying for days also run hot water in the big tub I think it's time for the new egg to come we both need to relax as well so start running it right now*

I hear my fathers deep voice in the background

*Hello son hi we are almost there *
* OK bye thanks sweetie see you soon love *
Kissing noises heard in the background

I walk to the pool room and set the hot water a flow making sure the pressure is high and will fill the tub quickly. I head back to my room and flop on the nest like bed. I close my eyes and imagine the girl from earlier. My mate I start to imagine her if she were nude but however I imagined it I just couldn't do her justice . I couldn't wait to see her again.

I walked out of my room and stop the water before walking out the door to the front of the cave and transforming and flying to my parents (luckily humans couldn't see us well for an exception of those who believe even heavily religious people believed us as devils even though angels are the true evil one and yes their are angels and I can tell you that they are very vain) they see me and give a dragony toothy smile I take the load of gold and what not of the treasure and I notice how heavy it is I can see why they struggled. I head to the cave and am back at the cave in 5 minutes or less I fly to the back of the cave and set my load down on the pile of gold and silver and other precious items. I transform in mid air and slide down the pile of gold I watch as my parents walk in doors as they change. I soon follow after and I hear my fathers voice coaxing her to breath and relax I couldn't wait till she laid her egg. I had never seen one before. Well except for the picture of my egg the one where I was hatched from It was covered in scales and shiny like precious jewels and constantly changing colors because of my mood as said from my parents I don't even know. But I've heard stories so who knows. I go to my room and decide to take a bath. I stripped and admired my body in the crystals yea I have a hot spring for a bathroom (hey what do ya want from me) I stepped in to the water it warmed my body I grabbed the soap and started to clean my self I stepped under the mini waterfall oh how it warmed my body. I couldn't wait to show it to my mate well whenever we got to know each other I was hoping soon. I turned and left the cavern I wrapped a towel around my torso and got something to eat in the pool room I hear my parents going back and forth her screaming and crying while dad shushed and tried to soothe her [hey listen I'm just saying since the parents have nothing to do know they might as well FUCK like rabbits plus my mind needed to get some gutter material going) I grabbed a bottle of water and ate and drank then I crushed my bottle and decided to go fly for awhile before going to sleep.

I walked out the door and transformed "well I guess I'll talk to them later" And I flew out the cave I flew towards the sky and I flew through clouds the wide open sky felt so free I did some tricks and watched some birds fly past me as well as under me I dipped and did a spinning dive, before I noticed a field and dropped into it no one was around so I walked around for awhile before I noticed a wolf staring at me I looked at it and wondered if it saw me I doubted it because animals couldn't see dragons either. So I continued along in the tall grass walking along before I noticed a girl sitting on a rock nude as well she was singing it was enchanting and I couldn't stop my legs from moving as I got closer and closer she stopped. And looked around I ducked before she saw me and she suddenly transformed into a wolf and bounded off the rock I decided to transform too as I rose in the sky once again in dragon form I thought about how her voice sounded so familiar almost like that girl that I bumped into today I still didn't know her name yet I knew she was my mate I headed home I transformed back into human form and walked into the house not before walking past my dad who was wiping his hands on a cloth towel in the house.

" It wasn't weird for one of us to be nude" he just called to me and said come see the new egg your mother just layed. I walked into the pool room I looked at the egg an saw how gorgeously blue and gold the egg was o was amazed at its brilliancy mother waled past me slowly to the door leading into their room she sighed and went on a search for a towel to dry herself off and came back and touched my shoulder and said "you may pick it up if you like" I gasped in excitement I'd never done it before I touched it first then I moved my hand back and then I kneeled down and gently picked it up. I could feel the warm life vibrating off of the egg I liked it so much I hugged it close to me. I saw as my parents went away as they were probably going to create a nest of precious items and gold as well as pillows and blankets in a cradle. I let my hands run across the scaly egg it changed color to a pink purple probably symbolizing it's comfortableness. I whispered hellos and even did a few baby sounds it turned an even darker purple I smiled. I went and knocked on the door my father came to the door he said happily ready to finally let it go yes I said I heard giggling in the background.

I walked out the pool room into the kitchen for another bottle of water my parents walked into the room whispering back and forth to each other probably talking about who knows what. Then my mom layed a hand on my shoulder again. "You had something to tell us earlier didn't you" I nodded and turned to face them and took a deep breath and said I found my mate by accident today. They looked at me with surprise and stared talking all at once asking the usual questions I stopped them both in mid sentence by shushing them they got quiet. I told them all I could about her I described what had happened to me today even the when I went on my trip they nodded in approval and exchanged looks and had silent conversation between them then they seemed to choose their words carefully this time and dad said we are happy for you. But in due time after you have gotten to know her return both of you shall return to us and on that day we will tell you the prophecy. They looked at each other again and nodded. I nodded as well and walked away to my room. In thought my brain spinning on my new mate and the girl in the meadow singing her voice vibrated around in my mind. I flopped on to my bed and I closed my eyes for a second and decided to go for a swim in my cavern. I walked into the hot water and paddled around it helped clear my mind I let my body float for a while as I just stayed calm. I started to feel a little dizzy so I walked out and dried myself and went back to my room. Where I layed down and dreamed of a singing wolf getting closer to me and turning into the moon goddess she told me something and I couldn't hear. Then I fell into blackness as dreams turned into nothingness I felt my self float away.

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