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*not my video, credit to owner* Requested by @Lacey_Skywalker (thank you for requesting)
Luke ~ You just couldn't wait to go home and see your family. Being a jedi was fun and all, but you really missed your family and you rarely saw them.
You walked in to your home. Sadness quickly grew over you when you saw no one was home for. You sat down at your kitchen table. You heard shuffling in the living room. Walking into your living room, you instantly shrieked as you heard a huge 'welcome home'. Everyone ran up to you to greet you.
¤¤¤¤¤An hour or so later¤¤¤¤¤
You walked outside to get away from everyone. There was a boy with Sandy blond hair sitting outside. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know anyone was out here, I'll go if I'm bothering you." He turned around,"no your fi- (y/n)!" Those blue eyes were so familiar. "Luke!" You ran up to him and hug him. "(Y/n) I'm so glad your back!" You were to.
Han ~ 'Jabba is so stupid', you thought to yourself running as fast as you could. You were so suprise that you escaped that disgusting beast. After running for what seemed like forever, you found yourself in a ship landing place (wow... that's great discription). Without thinking about it you ran on a crappy ship. "Hopefully I can remember how to drive one of these things", you said as you stepped in the cockpit. "Grab her chewie", a booming voice howled. Two giant, fluffy arms wrapped around your waist and picked you up. "No please let me go", the wookie was really strong! "Why should we you try to steal my ship", the dashing man got really close to your face. His facial expression went from furious to confused, "do I know you"? You try to think back, but you could only remember the torture and pain from Jabba, "should I know you"? He chuckled and sat down, "Your probably just some girl I picked up from the bar". That made you pissed, "I'm no hooker"! He laughed a little more," let her go chewie". You sat down in a chair and folded your arms angrily. "Wait a second", he stood up ,"Your that feisty girl from the cantina". You thought a little, then it hit you. He walked over to you. You blushed at the memory of you two that night. "Why were you trying to steal our ship", he sat really close to you. "Well I was Jabba's slave for around a year and then I finally escaped". He rolled his eyes," man that Jabba sure is a jerk". You smiled, " Well I should find another ship to steal before Jabba catches me". As you stood up Han pulled you onto his lap. "Well you can just stay with us, I mean we are friends aren't we"? He rubbed your back. He was just like he was the first time you met him, sassy yet sweet. You hugged him, " I'm really glad we met again. " He hugged you tight and nodded. "Me to."
Leia ~ (doesn't go with 'How you two met' ,sorry)
You are a princess. You and leia were best friends until she disappeared. It really made you sad, because you had the biggest crush one her. When you joined the Rebellion, Leia heard about you joining and wanted to surprise you. One day you were in your room when you heard a knock on the door. You yell it's open and someone comes in. "(Y/N)!" You turned around, "Leia!"
You two ran up to each other and gave each other a huge hug. " I'm really glad we met again " , she looked into your eyes and gave you a passionate kiss, "because I've been wanting to do that." The rest of the night you two spent in each other's arms talking about anything and everything. You were really happy to be back with Leia.

A/N: sorry about Leia's. I have writers block rn and I really wanted to post this as soon as possible. So thank you bye bye

Love ya! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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