Time To Babysit

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Aphmau:Thats right!Heavenly do you think you can watch all the kids in the village cause we're gonna have a party for you and Aaron!

Korena:Can't Zoey or Isabelle do that?

Aphmau:Those two are just gonna fight over them!

Korena:Including Lillith?

Aphmau:Including Lillith

Korena:*groans*These is gonna be a lot of kids

Aphmau:Oh and don't forget to watch Malachi and Levin!

Korena:But aren't they all grown up?

Aphmau:Shh!I just wanna see how they reacy*giggles*

Korena:I'm up to that!


Aphmau:Oh Heavenly wait!

Korena:Well first of all call me Korena second of all what is it?

Aphmau:Well I was wondering if you would sing for us?

Korena:Aphmau you remember that I can't sing in front of a huge crowd!

Aphmau:I know I know!But please?*gives puppy eyes*



Korena:I'm gonna regret this*walks to the plaza*


Aphmau:*hugs Aaron*You don't know how much I missed you

Aaron:*hugs Aphmau*I missed you the most

Korena:I ship it!!!!See I told you they would hug Kawaii~Chan!!!Now you have to bake me a cheese cake!!!!*covers mouth*

Kawaii~Chan:Okay okay!Kawaii~Chan will bake you a cake*covers mouth*

Aphmau:You two are so dead!!!!

Korena:*uncovers mouth and yells*MAKE A RUN FOR IT KAWAII~CHAN!!!!!!*runs away*

Kawaii~Chan:Eek!*runs away*

Aphmau:Get over here you two!!!!*runs after them both*

Korena:*turns invisible*

Kawaii~Chan:*goes behind Dante and peeks from his shoulder*

Aphmau:Kawaii~Chan get your butt over here, and Korena I know your right next to me!

Kawaii~Chan:Yes Aphmau~Senpai*walks over to Aphmau*

Korena:*turns uninvisible*

Aphmau:Whats with you two and shipping!!!!

Korena:There fun!!!


Aphmau:You two can ship but not me

Korena:Then that means we can ship Aaron with someone else than?


Kawaii~Chan:Well we already have Garroth~Kun with Laurence~Kun

Korena:Hmm oh!How about Celesti!



Aaron:Are you two really gonna ship me with a dog?





Korena:Uh....Book it!*runs away*

Kawaii~Chan:*hides behind Dante*

~20 minutes later~

Rollo:Nightfall your back!!!

Korena:Call me Korena Rollo

Lello:*hugs Korena*

Rollo:*jumps on Korena's back*

Lello:*scratches Korena's ears*

Korena:*turns into a wolf*


Korena:*turns human*Alright you two thats enough*sees Malachi and Levin adn walks up to them*What are you two doing!?!?!!?!?

Levin:Um talking?

Malachi:Why?Is something wrong?

Aphmau:*tries to hold in laugh*

Korena:*tries to hold in laugh as well*You two are suppose to be with the other kids!*takes both of their wrist and puts them in the gate*You two are now gonna have to stay behind the gate now!

Levin:What did we do!!!

Malachi:We're not little anymore!!!

Korena:Yes you are!!!*sticks a binky in Levins and Malachis mouth and puts a hat on them both*Don't take them off or your gonna catch a cold!

Levin:*takes binky out*We're not little anymore!!!!

Malachi:*takes out binky too*Come on Korena!!!

Korena:*ignores the two and plays with Lillith*

Aphmau:*laughs but doesn't make any noises*



Korena:Oh My Irene!!Aphmau they said they're first word!!!!!



Aphmau:*gasps*They did!!!*runs over to where the crib is*What did they say!

Korena:They said my name!

Levin:Mom help us!!!!


Korena:They're growing up so fast!!!

Aphmau:Someday one of them are gonna be the lord of this village soon

Levin:Please don't tell me this is happening

Malachi:It is happening

Aphmau:Well have fun!*walks back and talks to Zoey*


~1 hour later~

Korena:*falls on the ground laughing*

Levin:I can't believe we spent an hour behind that gate

Malachi:But why!!!!!

Korena:Don't ask me, tell your mom about that!*laughs even more*


Malachi:Really mom!!!

Aphmau:Gotta go!*runs away*

Levin:*chases Aphmau*

Malachi:*chases Aphmau as well*

Korena:*gets up and giggles*Aphmau's in trouble now, at least I don't have to sing now!

Okay I hoped you guys enjoyed and if you did then leave a vote comment or maybe even follow!And i'm sorry if this was short and im also sorry for not updating for a while!!!I'll see you then my angels!Buh-Byeee!!!!!!

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