Taking Laurence

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A/N:Just real quick this chapter is going to be a short one fyi

Heavenly P.O.V

Once we got to the nether we had to meet up with the Shadow Lord, it wasn't that hard to find him, besides, me and Lily are going to turn on him anyways.

Shadow Lord:I see you two made it

Lily:Of course but

Heavenly:We aren't going to work for you

Shadow Lord:What?!!?!?

Lily:We only joined in for the magic

Shadow Lord:No wonder I've been feeling weak!!!

Heavely:Thanks for the powers but its time for us to go*teleports them back*

~1 hour later~

Lily:*falls off the tree*


Aphmau:Garroth thats just Lily

Heavenly:I told you to just blend in the shadows from the ground

Lily:You can't be the only one in the trees Heavenly

Heavenly:*jumps down*Your right, but, I do like to see the view

Aphmau:Were you two spying on us!!!!

Lily:What else does it look like?

Heavenly:*smirks*Now we got something that we need, we'll be heading back

Lily:You'll soon know what it is

~they disappear in the darkness~

Kazul:You were those girls?

Aphmau:Garroth's little sister and her friend

Garroth:I'm gonna have a word with her and spying on us

Aphmau:Won't be no use Garroth, she'll just keep doing it

~15 minutes later~

Ivy:Never knew you would play it tuff

Aphmau:I always do,

Laurence:*pushes Aphmau down*You


Lily:Your time to shine

Heavenly:*jumps down silently and puts a cloth to Laurence's mouth*We'll be taking him thank you very much

Aphmau:What are you two doing!!!!!

Lily:Oh but of course, Laurence said he doesn't want to be a shadow knight, so we'll grant him his wish, goodbye now

~they disappear in the shadows again with Laurence~

Ivy:Who were those two

Aphmau:The Sisters of the Dark

Ivy:You barely even see them

Aphmau:Of course, they always hide in the dark and go with the dark

Ivy:Those girls took him too

Aphmau:*has her sword to Ivy's neck*But right now, your coming with us

~back with the girls~

Laurence:What happened?

Heavenly:I see your awake


Lily:So he woke up

Laurence:What are you two doing?

Lily:Why of course

Heavenly:Making your wish come true

Laurence:And that is?

Heavenly:You not being a shadow knight anymore of course


Lily:Now this won't hurt a bit.....For us*smirks*

~the two use their powers~

Laurence:*screams in pain*

~15 minutes later~

Heavenly:What a fool

Lily:Thought we were gonna make him regular again

Heavenly:Oh he thought wrong, but now, he's on our side, isn't that right...New Laurence?

Laurence:Oh of course

Lily:Lets go find where the others are and cause a little mischief

See!I told you it was gonna be short!!!But I hoped you guys enjoyed and if you did then leave a vote comment or maybe even follow!I'll see you then my angels!Buh-Byeeeeee!!!!!!!

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