New Recruits

42 3 3

Lily P.O.V

After we got Laurence under our control we went to bed, the next morning we went to explore the forest a little, we found little Claudia in the woods, it looked like she wanted to see us.

Heavenly:What do we have here?

Claudia:What are you two doing here?

Laurence:Hello little sister

Claudia:Laurence?Never mind, I'm here to tell you two something

Lily:And that is?

Claudia:I wanna be part of your group

Lily:What do you have to say Heavenly?

Heavenly:Alright, I need you to spy on Aphmau and the others, your our spy for now on, you betray us then your dead

Claudia:Don't worry, I won't betray you, I won't let you down!*runs into the forest

Lily:Lets see how good she is with information

~back in the woods~

Claudia P.O.V

I was just in the trees to look around for Aphmau and the others until the tree branch snapped and I fell on a boy.

???:Hey can you get off of me

Claudia:Okay*gets up*

???:You know your pretty for an out-law

Claudia:I'm not an out-law yet

???:Well your still pretty

Claudia:If your trying to hit on me then your doing a bad job

???:And where are you going?

Claudia:To go back to my brother, he's hurt, now bye!*runs*

???:*grabs her jacket*Not so fast

Claudia:Let go!


Claudia:*takes off her jacket and runs off*


Claudia:Good I think I lost him

???:Oh but you didn't

Claudia:How the heck did you do that?!?!!?!?

???:Its a secret

Claudia:Hope your feeling light headed from hanging from the tree*smirks*(btw he's hanging from a tree branch upside down)

???:Doesn't matter, I'm James, king of thieves

Claudia:I don't think so


Claudia:Let me show you who really is king of all thieves, or should I say queen

???:*has a confused face*

Claudia:Follow me

~they go to where shadows are~


~Lily and Laurence comes out of the shadows~

Claudia:Where's Heavenly?

Heavenly:Right behind you

James:Aah!!!*jumps back*

Heavenly:Who's this?

Claudia:James, I was running away from him and he was in front of me, he says he's the king of all thieves

Heavenly:Oh really?


Heavenly:Do you even know who your talking to?

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