How You Meet

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(A/N) BEFORE I GET HATE, ADAM AND ALESA ARE MY FAVORITE YOUTUBE COUPLE EVAH! Just pretend Adam and Alesa never met. Okay, let's begin.

Skydoesminecraft (Adam)
You were walking in the park looking at all the nature around you. As you were about to look ahead, you bump into someone and fall.
"OH MY GOSH, I'M SO SORRY!" A guy yells. You sigh and rub the back of you head.
"It's fine." You saw a hand stretched out and you grabbed it. When you got up, you saw a guy with brown curly hair, hazel eyes, and glasses. He smiles and rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.
"I'm Adam." He says. You chuckle lightly and look up at him (he's taller then you)
"(Y/N). Thanks for helping me out."
"No problem (Y/N)." You guys decide to walk with each other around the park. When you have to leave, Adam gives you his number and you guys decide to hang out soon.

Mithzan (Max)
You groan as you look around Best Buy for a new laptop you really need. When you finally find a good one, you go to grab it..... until someone else does. You look up to see a really cute ginger with a 'Z' necklace. He looks at you, then the laptop, then back at you.
"Did you want this?" He asks
"It's fine, you grabbed it first. I can find a different one." You walk out of the store and you were about to go in your car until someone tapped your shoulder. You turn around and see the guy from earlier. He hands you a bag and smiles, then walks away. You look in the the bag and see the laptop. You pulled it out and saw something written on the box.
'I could tell you wanted this. My name is Max. xxx-xxx-xxxx ~ call me'
You smile and decide to call him later tonight.

House_Owner (Ross)
You were at a Anime convention. You looked at all the amazing stands. As you walked, you saw one in particular that caught your eye. It was a (Y/F/A) (Your favorite anime). You walk over and look at it. You were minding your own business until you heard someone talk to you
"It's pretty neat, isn't it." You looked at the guy and saw he had brown hair, glasses, and an Attack on Titan shirt. You smile and nod.
"Yea, it's so coo- IS THAT A LIMITED EDITION (your favorite character from the anime you chose) POSTER!" You run over and look at the price. You pull out your money and groan when you notice you were 3 dollars short. The guy walks over and buys the poster, then hands it to you. You look at it and squeal.
"Thank you...... um...... "
"Nice to meet you (Y/N). Maybe we should hang out. This convention is for the whole week."
"Sounds great." He hands you a paper with his number on it and you two part ways.

ThatGuyBarney (John)
You were about to record a video with you friend Adam. At the last second, he asked if his friend could join us. You agree, accept his Skype request, and get into a group chat. You look at his face cam and smile.
"Hi Adam."
"Hey (Y/N). This is John, but you can call him Barney."
"Hellos (Y/N)." You smile when you hear his accent.
"Hi Barney." You guys decide to play Hunger Games and it was just you and Barney left
"FOR APPLE!" Barney screams as he runs toward you with a iron ax. You laugh and pull out your diamond sword and kill him. Your Minecraft name appears across the screen saying you won and Adam and Barney cheer for you.
"You truelys have the champions blood." You smile and take a bow toward your face cam.
"Why thank you." Adam does his outro and ends the video. Adam hangs up on the Skype call, but you and Barney talk for a while. You end up getting his number and you guys text through out the day.

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