Chapter 4 - The Rationale

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"Hello, Reed," the doctor said, nodding at my mother as she left the room, "I know the past couple of days have been extremely rough on you, what with the...transformation, and with your sister being in a coma."

"You don't even know the half of it," I mumbled under my breath.

"As you have been told, I have never experienced any case like this before." He cleared his throat, "Because I felt it was necessary to understand what was going on with one of my patients, I have done quite a lot of research on similar occurrences." He turned to the desk in the corner of the room and pulled two files out of a locked drawer.

"My mom said you knew what was happening to me. What's going on?" I asked, my voice going up in pitch.

Questions. I had so many questions. Why did he have to lock my file in a drawer? What was in the other file? Was I ever going to be normal again? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?

He cleared his throat again and opened the first file. I could see my name stamped in the top corner and I immediately began to worry. What if there was something seriously wrong with me? What if I was going to die?

"Before I can be absolutely certain of what's going on, I need to clarify a few facts with you first. Do you mind answering some questions about your accident?"

"Um, sure, ok," I stuttered.

"Wonderful," he said, while pulling out a tape recorder.

"What's the recorder for?" I asked nervously.

"Well, having a case so unique, I must document it. You understand, don't you?"

I looked at him warily, which he took as an invitation to continue. He promptly switched on the recorder and turned to face me. "Alright," he said, "First off, for the tape, would you please tell me your name and age?"

"Reed Williams. Seventeen."

"Very well, Reed. Can you please tell me what happened the night of October nineteenth twenty-sixteen?"

"This feels like an interrogation for a crime," I said, glaring at him

"I'm sorry, Reed. I really am. But this information is important in being able to handle future cases like yours. Can you please answer my question?"

"Fine," I grumbled, "On October nineteenth, my younger sister—Kayla—and I went to the mall. On our way home, I was speeding and some dude came into my lane and we collided. Now Kayla...Kayla is..." my voice caught, "Kayla is in a coma. And it's my fault."

"Reed, can you tell me what happened to you?"

"Me? Some sort of sick joke happened to me. I turned into someone I definitely am not."

"Physically, you physically turned into someone else, correct?"


"I must confess that this is a rather strange case," the doctor continued, "Have you experienced any Déjà vu or strange feelings in the weeks leading up to the accident? Any, say, belief that you were always meant to be someone else?"

"No," I said, narrowing my eyes, "Why?"

"Because that appears to be a common symptom in patients who are experiencing similar changes," he said "They often report having a feeling of belief that they have always been someone else preceding their transformation."

"Well, no, I haven't. I am quite happy with my life and I have never wanted to be someone else."

"Are you sure, Reed? This could play a vital role in determining if my hypothesis is correct. You need to be absolutely honest with me."

"I'm sure!" I said, my exasperation clearly evident, "Do you really think I WANTED to become....this?"

"Oh! That brings me to another important question," He cleared his throat, "How do you feel about your new self? Did you previously know the person you have transformed into?"

"I feel like crap about my new self honestly. I don't understand what's happening. And, sort of. I knew of him. But I didn't know him personally."

"He was a musician, I understand, correct?"


"Did you enjoy his music?"

"I loved his music. Would you stop asking me stupid questions and just tell me what's happening to me?"

"I supposed that's fair," he said, opening the second file and handing me a picture. "Does this woman look familiar to you?"

"Well, yeah, that's Lacey Sturm." I said "She's another musician."

"She died two years ago," the doctor said, looking into my eyes.

"No, no she didn't." I said "She's on tour right now. Totally alive."

"She died, Reed." He pulled out another photo, of a young girl wearing a Flyleaf t-shirt. "This is Hannah. She got into an accident much like Ms. Sturm's. She has had the same experience as you."

"Are you telling me..." I said, my voice shaking, "That the Lacey Sturm on tour is actually a teenage girl who, in a freak accident, became her?"

"That is exactly what I'm saying," the doctor said, his face completely straight.

"Oh," I forced laughed, "I see what's happening. This is all a huge joke. Haha guys. So funny. What's really wrong with me? Joke's up!"

"Reed," the doctor said, "This isn't a joke."

"You have GOT to be kidding me. C'mon, man, this isn't funny anymore. I want to go back to normal."

"Unfortunately, Reed—or should I say, Solomon? Normal isn't quite how you remember it. According to the information I have compiled, most cases like this choose to continue in their new life. Unfortunately, their old lives die, but, for some of them, their new life is an improvement."

I rolled my eyes and snorted.

"Ehem, well, I understand that this is a lot for you to have to take in, so I will give you some time to process it. Have a great day."

He locked the files back into the desk drawer and walked out of my room, "I'll send your mother back in if you would like."

"No. No thank you. I need to be alone."

"Alright. I'll send a nurse to check on you in a few hours." And with that, he shut the door to my room, leaving me feeling completely deflated.

Somehow, I had imagined that finding out what was happening to me would offer closure, but instead I was feeling completely and utterly lost.

I laid back on my pillow, and drifted back into a restless sleep. 


Author's Note:

Hey guys! This is probably the longest chapter I've ever written for this story, haha. Anyway, so now you can kinda see what's going on. But please don't be upset at me for what happened. It will all make sense in the end, I PROMISE! Haha, anyway, keep reading and I'll keep posting. You guys are the best!

- Me (too many name changes lol)

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