Chapter 2 - The Change

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When I woke up, the first thing that I noticed was the room I was in. It was white. Completely.

Where am I. I thought, looking around. Then I noticed a card on the table beside my bed. I picked it up.


We know you're totally fine. Jut wanted to say get well VERY soon!!


Derek, Jacob, Josh, and Nathan.

What? Who? I don't know them. I looked it over again. Hmmm. Some sic joke.

I think I'm going insane. And where am I anyway?

"Reed!"  My mom yelled, "Honey, he's awake." she sounded relieved.

"Mom," I said in a small voice, "What happened?"

"Oh, Reed." she looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"What, mom? What." I was scared. Something HORRIBLE must have happened.

"Reed, it's Kayla. She's not doing so well." Dad said, cutting in.

"What happened to her?" I  said. I have a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. Then mom burst into tears. Even dad looked at me weird.

"Reed, you and Kayla got in a car crash. You, well, you are doing.....ok. But Kayla, she's still unconcious."

"Who was driving?" I asked, fighing to keep my voice steady. Deep down, I knew it was me. It's my fault that Kayla' s hurt.

"You were, Reed." mom said, finding her voice again.

I looked down. I knew it. I'm always to blame.

"But," dad said, shooting her a warning look, "Kayla's not the only one going through some...changes."

"What do you mean CHANGES?" I asked, my voice rising.

"Um, you're Reed Williams, right?" said a nurse who had just walked in.


"Well, the changes your dad was speaking of...look in the mirror.." she handed me a small hand mirror, which I promptly dropped.

"What kind of a SICK JOKE IS THIS?" I screamed "Cause it's NOT funny!"

The reflection. It wasn't me. It was a face I knew all too well.

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