Chapter 1 - The Accident

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My name is Reed. Reed Matthew Willams. I'm like any other 17 year-old guy. I like football, food, and being weird. I also like Family Force 5. And cars. See? Like any other "typical" dude.

But here's the deal. I'm NOT normal.

Anything but, in fact. See I have this problem. I'm not Reed Williams anymore.

Confusing, I know.  But it's true. Let me go back a couple days to explain....


"Reeed!" Kayla screamed. "Watch it!"

Ok, I'll admit. I was going a little fast. But I'm a guy. Whaddid you expect?

"Seriously, Reed. Learn the speed limit, dude." I smiled at Kayla. My little sister is one of my favorite people. And I know her well enough to know that she enjoys my speeding, just a little.

"Whatevs, Kayla. Just enjoy it." I turned to smile at her, but her adorable grin was not present.

"REED!" she screamed and I turned around just in time to see another car, like, two feet from mine.

I tried to stop. But my brakes jammed.


I felt the jolt throughout my entire body. And then I blacked out. My last thought was, Kayla better be okay.


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