Chapter Four

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Katie woke with a start, breathing heavily. She flinched, hoping she hadn't woken up any of the others. At least, that's why she told herself she flinched. She rubbed her eyes and stumbled into the bathroom. She splashed cold water on her face in an effort to wake herself up. Looking in the mirror, she realized she was a mess and decided to take a shower. It took her a minute to figure out the controls and find everything she needed, but once she had, she stripped and got in, turning the water up as hot as she could bear it.

Once she had finished in the shower, brushed her hair, picked out some clothes from her bag, and done everything else she needed to do to get ready for the day, she walked out into the living room. Looking around for a clock, the only one she could find was the display on the oven, which read 5:30, meaning there was still two and half hours until they had to be back in the auditorium. She started looking through the cabinets in the kitchen and was pleased to find almost everything she could hope for. She took a look into the fridge and saw plenty of things to drink, as well as eggs, and a few other things. In the freezer she found bacon, which she immediately set out to thaw, and ice trays. She found the pantry by accident when she went to open a cabinet by the wall and the door slid open. In there she found pancake mix and syrup, both of which she set on the counter.

She mixed up a batch of pancake batter and put it on the counter so that it would be out of the way. She then found a pan and put it on the stove so she could scramble herself some eggs and had just cracked a pair of them into a bowl when a male voice spoke behind her.
"I presume you aren't planning to eat all of this yourself."
She jumped and yelped, knocking against the bowl. She carefully steadied the bowl and slowly turned, giving the person who had spoken her best glare. That person was, of course, Jason, and he was leaning against the bar with a grin. He was wearing a white t-shirt with sweatpants and was covered in sweat.

She raised an eyebrow at him and replied,
"No, I am making breakfast for everyone, but I'm afraid I only serve clean people."
He laughed and walked off towards his room. Before he could disappear, she called after him,
"How do you like your eggs?"
"Scrambled, please." he said, just before the door closed behind him. She shrugged, added another two eggs to her bowl and started beating the eggs.

Four minutes later, just as the eggs were done, she heard a door open, and turned to see Jason emerge, clean and dressed in the same clothes as he had worn yesterday. She raised both eyebrows this time and handed him a plate of eggs and a fork.
"That was fast, either you were really hungry or you don't like showers." she said, only partly joking. Jason paused in his eating to smile,
"I can't say I wasn't hungry, but I'm mostly just used to taking short showers. I have to say though, having actual hot water does feel nice." he said, before going back to eating. He finished the eggs a minute later, not too long before Katie finished hers.
"You want a pancake?" she asked, already guessing the answer.
"Two please, if you don't mind" he said. She chuckled,
"Two pancakes, coming right up."

She pulled a griddle out of the pantry and plugged it in. After giving it a couple of minutes to warm up, she put on enough batter for four pancakes. The griddle was brand new and worked very well, and their pancakes were done in just a couple minutes. She threw the cakes on their plates and set them on the bar before retrieving the butter from the fridge and grabbing butter knives. She sat down at the bar and the two ate in silence for a while.


As they mopped up the syrup on their plates with the last of their pancakes, Katie turned to Jason,
"What were you doing anyways? I thought I was the first one up."
"I was downstairs, in the exercise room."
"Morning workout, huh? Weird, I didn't figure you for the type."
"Yeah, I haven't really been able to go through my usual routine for a while, so I'm kinda out of shape." He shifted uncomfortably, not used to talking about his routine, and changed the subject.
"That was a good breakfast, probably the best I've had in a long time." Now it was her turn to blush.
"It wasn't that good. I mean, it was just pancakes, anyone could've made them." She stammered slightly as she talked, about as used to receiving compliments on her cooking as Jason was to talking about his routine.

Jason stood, stacked their plates and glasses, which he had filled partway through the meal after noticing neither of them had anything to drink, and took them over to the sink. He rinsed them all off and put them neatly in the dishwasher. He rinsed his hands off in the sink and dried them on his pants. He glanced at the oven display, and jumped slightly,
"Wow, it's already almost 6:30." he said. Katie nodded slowly and sighed,
"I'd better go get the others up." She heaved herself off the stool, which was tall enough that her feet dangled slightly, and were just barely able to scrape the ground if she stretched. Jason noticed this and didn't say anything, but grinned slyly at her. She glared in return and growled,
"Not a word from you. Not. A. Word." Jason's only response was to grin more, and she narrowed her eyes at him before walking off to wake the other girls.

A/N: Like I said before, sorry for the two short chapters, but I promise the next one is going to be quite a bit longer than these :)

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