Chapter Ten

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A/N Alright, here we go. I know it's been a while, but I finally got this chapter finished. There should now be only one or two chapters left before we get into the game, which should be even better than the real-world shenanigans that are  going on right now. From here on, I'm going to try and start getting chapters out on a monthly basis, but hopefully I'll be able to get them done even faster than that. I've also gone back and added a couple of pictures(that I claim no credit for) throughout the book and made some slight changes to the last chapter. Let me know what you guys think!

Now that they were no longer allies of necessity, Jason and Arianna didn't really know how to act around each other. They had been walking for a minute or two in awkward silence when Jason broke the ice.

"So, we never really introduced ourselves. I'm Jason." He offered his hand for her to shake. She cocked her head to the side before accepting the gesture and introducing herself.

"Arianna. Now that we're not surrounded by people, you mind if I ask for the whole story behind you getting that ammo? All you told me was that you got it from the guys that were supposed to be shooting at us." She was blunt, not caring if she was being too direct. Jason just shrugged and summed it up as quick as he could.

"I got there early and went up top of one of the buildings so I could see what would be going on before I was down there. As it turned out, I picked the same roof as the shooters did, so I knocked them out, tied them up, and took their stuff." As they passed through a small park, he veered off to the side where there was a fountain and began to take off his shirt.

"Whoa, whoa! What are you doing?" Arianna stepped back warily. Jason just raised an eyebrow in amusement before tossing his shirt on the ground and moving to the fountain. He reached in and felt around before pulling out what looked like a pair of very soggy sweatshirts put over something and tied off at the ends. He crouched and looked around. After confirming that there wasn't anyone to see, he untied the sweatshirts and pulled out a pair of rifles and several magazines with ammo. He tossed one rifle up to Arianna and took the other for himself.

Wiping his arm on the grass to dry it before he put his shirt back on, he said,

"Come on. I want to get back to my house before anyone figures out where we are and decides they want revenge for being shown up like that." Arianna nodded and the two of them took off at a jog, Jason leading the way while Arianna watched for anyone behind them.

It took the duo close to an hour to get to the house, and when they did they both slumped against the outside of the door. They'd had to dodge a couple of groups on the way back that were clearly looking for them, and it had tired them both out. After a moment they got off the door and Jason opened it. As he walked in, he leaned his rifle against the wall next to the door and greeted Katie, Linda, and Olivia, who were sitting inside.

"Hey guys, did you find a good coffeemaker?"

Katie, who had been facing the other direction, immediately whipped around at the sound of his voice and glared furiously at him.

"You know," she started sweetly, "it would be nice if next time you would give us just a teeny, tiny bit of warning before you do something like, hmm, you know, have a metric ton of stuff randomly dropped off in our house by strange guys who just walk in without even knocking and then open a hole in the roof so they can get the boxes inside!" She burst out of her chair angrily and her voice rose to a shout

"Hey, hey, relax! For the record, I didn't know they were going to do that. I at least thought they'd knock or ask to come in or something." Jason raised his hands in a surrendering manner.

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