The Real Tale Unfolds

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"Where am I? Oh it kinda looks like a courtyard of some sorts this is pretty snazzy if I say so myself." Stated Frigetta, "Ooh these flowers smell really good!" Exclaimed Cameron. They both stared at each other questioning whether this was reality or not, neither dare ask the other if this was in fact a dream for the sake of looking like a complete fool. They mutually agreed to stick around each other for companionship, a maid scurried up to them and it seemed as if she was in a hurry to be somewhere, "Oh there you two are!! I have been trying to track you down, you see it is quite important that everyone be ready for the ball on time!! And you two are no where near ready, there is only an hour and a half remaining to prepare yourselves and no one is allowed out of their room until 8:00! When you are to locate yourselves in the palace ballroom, now follow me as it seems you two are lost and need some one to show you two to your rooms!" Both teens stared at each other then to the maid and in unison responded, "Ball?! What ball?" The maid looked at them as if they each had two heads then gathered herself quickly and stated, "My lord and lady I was sure you had been informed but let me explain quickly, his majesty the prince is holding a royal ball at this ball he is expected to find a possible lady to court for he is the heir to the throne and must find a queen to rule with!" "Alright then but how can you be sure that the prince isn't gay?" Asked Frigetta, the maid stared at her and giggled to herself, "Trust me my lady, the prince isn't a homosexual I'm sure if it." She just smiled a knowing smile and began walking towards an enchanting palace. Frigetta and Cameron just glanced at each other and shrugged it off, they followed the maid without another word both puzzled as to why they are being called lord and lady.

Siena and Natasha's rooms were neighbouring, they decided to get ready together in this strange scenario that was playing out. "Who do you think the prince is?" Asked Natasha, "I have no idea but he sure sounds dreamy the way that giddy maid was talking about him." They both laughed together. "Why are we even here? I mean I'm not complaining about being a Lady, have you seen the food they brought up to us?! And they call it 'light refreshments'." Siena was ogling at the array of decadent pastries and fruit platters that were there when they arrived as a welcome momento. As Siena was helping her self to the refreshments Natasha had opened up the closet and peered into the deep cavern of tulle and silk. "Oh my god, have you seen how big this wardrobe is! It's half the size of my room! My god these dresses are amazing I'm too afraid I will ruin them by just touching them." Siena giggled at that and made her way to the open door of the closet. "You weren't lying when you said these dresses were amazing, I can't believe I have to choose only one of them to wear to the ball! I bet your closet is much of the same." Siena turned to Natasha, at that statement Natasha said her goodbyes and rushed over to her room to discover her own trove of dresses.

"Should I wear a suit and tie or a robot costume?" Cameron was having trouble deciding what he should wear to the ball he just couldn't make up his mind! "Ok I will flip a coin, if it lands on heads I will wear the suit and tie, if it lands on tails I will wear the robot costume well here I go." Cameron flipped the coin, he watched it in anticipation not knowing which option he would rather wear. The coin landed but not how Cameron expected it to, the coin was stuck in between two floor boards, so now how was Cameron supposed to make up his mind? "Well I guess I will just have to wear the robot costume but wear a suit and tie with it, definitely that is my final decision!" So Cameron had decided what he wanted to wear but were the other girls having the same troubles as him? Natasha had planted herself on the chaise lounge opposite Siena's bed, Siena was sitting against her head board throwing an orange back and forth to Natasha, they had to kill time somehow. "I really love your dress, it's no poofy and full of tulle, it looks like you are sitting in a purple cloud!" Natasha had commented on SIENAs dress choice, "Thanks Tash, well you helped pick it out, you chose the more classier option, an off the shoulder turquoise, drop waist dress. It looks absolutely stunning on you and your hair looks great curled that way!" Siena returned the compliment. The both noted the time as 7:45 fifteen minutes before they were to be expected at the ball. Both girls consoled the mirror before heading to the venue, Natasha left in front of SIENA for she had some business to take of before she was to leave.

The whole cohort of people flooded into the ballroom, the entertainment had already begun with the twerking jester leown poppin' his stuff up on stage. As the people entered they were given a mask to conceal their faces with, this was a mystery masked ball, this was the special surprise. Frigetta was placed in the middle of the dance floor moving to the ry them of the music and trying to find anyone she knew. Cameron was getting compliments about his robot/tux suit that he was rocking, stopping every now and then to converse with others. Natasha spun onto the dance floor and found a group of people that she recognised by their conversation topics basically just a guy yelling "FEMINISM NO MORE, MENINISM FOREVER MORE!!" She just knew that it was one of her 'closest' friends in her school group, it seems as if her whole class was in her dream. The royal announcer announced the arrival of prince Harold of Brothsurgey, the whole crowd changed their demeanour and collected themselves, guys and girls alike double checking their makeup and smoothing out their clothing. The music changed to more of a steady tempo and waltz like rhythm, prince Harold danced with many girls at the start of the evening. Suddenly the doors to the ballroom opened revealing a fair maiden in a purple tulle dress with her hair in a delicate updo and crumbs upon her lips. The whole crowd was taken aback by this beauty in front of them, the prince especially dazzled by this sight. The mystery girl clumsily curtsied and tried her hardest to walk elegantly down to the ballroom floor, all eyes were on her and her stunning smile. The prince collected himself and asked the maiden for a dance, she obliged taking his hand and he led her to the dance floor. The two of them danced through the night gazing into each other's eyes with a sense of familiarity, the each in turn danced into the others hearts.

Back in classroom 26C a student walked into class late, she went up to the teacher and showed her their diary. "Sorry miss, I was at an orthodontist appointment" stated the late student, she looked around the classroom to see that all the students had dozed off, a look of puzzlement across her face. "Uh miss why is everyone sleeping?" The only conscious student asked, "Oh yes, I said that they could all relax for the lesson and calm down and meditate." The teacher responded. "Um ok then miss I'm just going to sit down." Said the student. "That's quite alright dear but try not to disturb the others." "Will do then." The student travelled past the desk with the story book on it and picked it up, she thought she may as well read it seeming as she had nothing better to do with her time, she opened it up as she walked to her desk and sat. "What an interesting book it seems to have the characters but they are the students of this class, hey! I recognise those faces anywhere it's Siena and Natasha they seem to be in a closet of some kind, wait a minute why are they in the book!" The student by the name of Naquisha had realised what was happening. "I read about this somewhere, I thought they were just a legend but no these type of books are real!" She delve right back into it smirking to herself because she knew just what this book brought of people, their true heart's desire. She was content with what she held and relaxed back into her chair, she was going to enjoy every last word of this story book.

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