Save You Tonight

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(A/N so I should be uploading another shorter chapter within a few hours of this one just so you know. :)

Recap: So at the end of the last chapter Niall got upset when he saw Harry making out with a girl. He then went into Liam's room where he asked Liam for advice. Unfortunately this only made him feel worse about himself and he went into his room and cut himself to the point that he collapsed from blood loss.


"How about we get out of here?" Some brunette I'd been talking to for a while ask.

"Yeah sure thing babe," I say not really looking forward to the sex I know we will probably have.

"Then let's go I'm getting tired of this place," she complains.

"Ok, ok, just let me say good bye to the band first," I plead.

Rolling her eyes she follows me as I walk towards the green room.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna head out," I say to the boys. Well except for Niall.

"Hey, where's Niall?" I ask.

"Why don't you find out yourself?" Liam spits.

"Hey Li, lighten up will you. Why are you so mad at Harry?" Zayn ask.

"Yeah, what's that supposed to mean?" I say confused and a little angry.

"Nothing. Just leave him alone," Liam answers.

Ignoring his instructions I go looking for Niall.

"Can't we just leave baby?" the girl ask again.

"I'm not leaving until I see Niall," I insist.

Finally, I reach his dressing room to find it locked. That's weird, Niall usually doesn't lock his door.

"Ni you in there?" I call.

No answer. I try knocking...nothing. Starting to get worried, I call security and ask if they know where Niall is, and they assure me he's in his dressing room. Feeling panic rise up inside me, I lift my foot and slam it against the door. It doesn't budge. I try again, and this time it cracks. I do it a few more times until the door is about to collapse. With one final kick, it comes down to reveal the most nightmarish sight I have ever seen.


Niall is laying on the floor with blood streaming from his wrist... a lot of blood. No, no, no, no! Why would Niall do this!? After a few seconds, I begin to register a loud shriek coming from behind me, probably the girl that came with me. I can't look away from Niall though. He's way to pale even for an Irish boy. Regaining my senses I leap into action.

"Call 999," I order, not checking to see if anyone does as I ask.

I grab a nearby piece of cloth and tie it tightly around Niall's arm, trying to stop the flow of blood. A few seconds later, the boys and security show up to investigate the screaming. They want to take Niall outside so that the paramedics can get to him, but I insist on being the one to carry him there. He's heavy since he's dead weight even though he's a fairly skinny person. I don't care though, I am NOT leaving Niall. When the ambulance arrives, they load him up onto a stretcher.

"Who is going to ride in the ambulance with him?" a paramedic asks.

"Me," Liam and I both say at the same time.

"You don't get to be his friend now, not after you abandoned him for so long," Liam says, pushing me out of the way.

"No. I don't know what you think I did, but I WILL ride in that ambulance with Niall," I say pushing him against the wall.

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