Save You Tonight... again

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(A/N Story of my Life music video was just released! Go watch!)

(Recap: In the last chapter, Niall becomes so depressed because Harry doesn't remember him that he begins to self harm. By the end of the chapter he attempts to commit suicide. The chapter ends with him blacking out.)


As Niall storms out of the room, I feel a tear slip down my cheek. This is all my fault. If my damned memory would just come back, I could make him happy again. Now he just sits in his room all day, and the others tell me to give him space but I want to help somehow. It's not right that our entire relationship, the most important parts of my life, can just be taken away without actually giving me the dignity of dying. I feel like I've lost myself; like I was in a world that everyone else has moved on from, and now I'm stuck trying to catch up.

I leave the table without eating and head into my room. I lie down on my bed and stare at the ceiling as tears pour down my face. I can't face Niall every day, knowing that it's my fault he's so depressed. I have to do something.

I get up and make my way to Niall's room. I knock a few times but get no answer. I turn to leave, but then I start to get worried. Why wouldn't he answer? I know he's upset, but he would at least answer right? Turning around, I slowly open the door. It can't hurt to check on him right?

As I walk into the room, I look around but don't see Niall. Now worried, I walk further into the room, and just when I'm convinced it's empty, I spot a splotch of red out of the corner of my eye.

(The next section of the chapter contains blood. I will mark again when the blood ends)

I look over to see Niall lying in a pool of blood. His blood. All of a sudden a memory comes back to me.



I reach Niall's dressing room to find it locked. That's weird, Niall usually doesn’t lock his door.

"Ni, you in there?" I call.

No answer. I try knocking...nothing. Starting to get worried, I call security and ask if they know where Niall is, and they assure me he's in his dressing room. Feeling panic rise up inside me, I lift my foot and slam it against the door. It doesn't budge. I try again, and this time it cracks. I do it a few more times until the door is about to collapse. With one final kick, it comes down to reveal the most nightmarish sight I have ever seen.

Niall is lying on the floor with blood streaming from his wrist... a lot of blood. No, no, no, no! Why would Niall do this!? After a few seconds, I begin to register a loud shriek coming from behind me, probably the girl that came with me. I can't look away from Niall though. He's way to pale, even for an Irish boy.



(No more blood)

Wait, I think that's from when he did this before! I rembered something!



Regaining my senses, I leap into action.

"Call 122," I order, not checking to see if anyone does as I ask.

I grab a nearby piece of cloth and tie it tightly around Niall's arm, trying to stop the flow of blood. A few seconds later, the boys and security show up to investigate the screaming. They want to take Niall outside so that the paramedics can get to him, but I insist on being the one to carry him there. He's heavy since he's dead weight even though he's a fairly skinny person. I don't care though, I am NOT leaving Niall. When the ambulance arrives, they load him up onto a stretcher.

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