They Don't Know About Us

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Unfortunately, I could not find the real names of One Directions management. If anyone knows who they are then message me their names. For now, I will be using Fiona and Thrasher.

My other book, The Storey of My Life (Narry), hasn't gotten many reads and I want you guys to check it out. It's only one chapter so far but it's longer and I'm really proud of it. I'm going to published a second one from Harry's point of view soon, so make sure you read that as well. Trust me, it's really good so go give it a try.


Also there's a mini kissing scene in this chapter and I went to 6 different websites and referenced my favorute book to try to make it good, so hopefully we'll be able to move along with the smut at this point. I think I might put some in the next chapter but I'm not sure.

Lastly, Wattpad told me that there was a link posted on one of my chapters that lead to a fishing or malware site. I didn't even know it was up until they notified me that they took it down. My apologies for anyone who got messed up by that.



No! I hate management. I'd honestly rather be stuck in a room with the devil for a day than with Fiona and Thrasher. All they care about is money. The only reason they want me to go to therapy is so that I'll be healthy enough to go back on tour.

'In fact, if you ever hurt yourself again, we're dropping you from the band,' Thrasher says.

'You can't do that!' Harry says angrily, glaring at Thrasher.

'Oh really? Last time I checked, your contract was still valid for two more years,' he responds, smirking.

'You're such a fucking bastard,' Harry says under his breath.

'What was that? I thought I heard you say something bad about Thrasher but I'm sure I must've been wrong. I mean, we wouldn't want to have to drop you from the band too, would we Thrasher?' Fiona says.

'Why you-' Harry starts, before I press my hand to his chest.

'Calm down love,' I say softly.

'But they can't just-,' he says, before I cut him off again.

'They can do whatever they want, they're management. Just take a deep breath and remember that we're in this together,' I say.

'Right. About that. You guys need to break up,' Fiona says.

'Your joking right?' Harry asks.

'As I'm sure you can tell, I'm not a very funny person Mr.Styles. It was hard enough to cover up your little break down last time. We had to make up an entire press release about how Niall's grandmother was sick. I will not allow you two to continue to make a mockery of the band,' Fiona remarks coldly.

'As I believe I've clearly demonstrated, I'd rather die then be separated from Harry,' I point out.

'He does have a point,' Thrasher says chuckling.

This earns him a glare from Fiona.

'Fine. We'll let you keep your little romance...under a few stipulations of course,' she says as if she's just gifted us a winning lottery ticket.

'What kind of stipulations?' I ask suspiciously.

'You will not show affection in public. You will both also have to go to physiological therapy,' she answeres.

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