•|•|~Chapter six~|•|•

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Y/N - Your Name
H/C - Hair Colour
H/L - Hair Length
E/C - Eye Colour
S/C - Skin Colour
F/C - Fav Colour


Reader / Y/N Pov

Aphmau is not going to EVER leave me alone!

(If someone is speaking and you see something in italic that means they are whispering)

"Aphmau..I..sorry Aaron..I have feelings for aaron!" I say wishing I didn't.

"YAY! Y/N THIS IS GREAT! wait what did you whisper??" Aphmau asked loudly

"NOTHING!!" I scream at the top of my voice.

I turn around to Aaron and mouth 'sorry' he mouths back 'it's okay' then I nod.

"Lord Aphmau I would appreciate it if you wouldn't tell everybody I'm shy.." Garroth says very quietly.

"OH!! GARROTH IM SOO SORRY! I DIDN-" Aphmau starts to say but was interrupted by LOUD shouting.

"What's that Aphmau?" I questioned.

"I don't know but it doesn't sound good.." Aphmau says in a worried tone.

"We should go to the gates and see what's going on and Aphmau I think it would be safe if you stay behind me. I rather me get hurt than you m'lord." I say confidently.

Aphmau slowly nods and follows me.

~~Time Skip to the Gate Brought to you by Shipping~~

I could see O'Khasis guards so I stopped and just staired then a Phoenix Drop guard throws me a Diamond Sword. I click my neck and speed walk to the Gate.

"GRR...ZANE!!" I Yell

"Haha why hello Y/N! How is your village doing?" He says in a evil tone the smirks.

"AHH!!" I run to the gate, and it opens then closes behind me. I grab Zane and put my sword to his neck.

"YOUR EVIL!! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING I HAD JUST BECAUSE YOU WANTED ME TO MARRY INTO YOUR FAMILY!! YOUR A MOSTER!!" I Shout and change into my Shadow Angle form (by the way you have a form that is a mix between a shadow knight and Irene's form called the shadow angle)

I laugh evilly.


(Sorry for bad language)

Zane just laughs then his two guard run to me and to kill me but I kill them first.

"Y/N STOP!" Aaron yells

"WHY why should I he took everything I had.....*change back to human form* why...why......what did *sniff* I do to you....*sniff*" I say nearly crying.

"As much as I would like to fight you Y/N but I'm actually here for my brothers Garroth and Vlyad." He says smirking.

"Grr...." I growl at the evil man.

"What can't I come and take my dearly beloved brothers back home." Zane says in a fake sad voice.

"No you can't because you don't deserve nice, kind men like them. Your mother deserves all good but you and your father deserve to be dead!!" I Yell tearing up.

"Dont you dare speak of my father that way, you little bitch!" Zane yells walking up to me.

"What are you going to do about it. You can't take anything away from me because I have nothing! You took everything! So to be honest the only reason I live is to make others happy and to make sure you suffer and die a horrible death a long with your corrupted father!!" I scream in his face. I can tell his is pissed off because of his facial expression.

"Grr...I'm leaving but i will be back in the next two weeks. And if I don't get my brothers..wait if I don't get Garroth because Vlyad is nothing to me, he is not my real brother anway. So I will be back in two weeks and if you don't give me Garroth there WILL and I repeat WILL be war between Phoenix Drop and O'Khasis." I Shouts. Then gets on a horse and rides away.

"I...I'm..so so sorry this is all my fault!!" I say with cold, salty tears rolling down my face.

"No it's not your fault y/n! We are going to prepare for the war and get as much help as possible from other villages...And Y/N what are you?" Aphmau warmly says.

"A Shadow Angle" I said with Confidence


I think I should have called this book Shadow Angel but oh well.

If anyone has any ideas for what event should happen in the 'two weeks' before the war please let me know.


~Georgell-Chan out~


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