|Chapter Forty-Five~The End...|

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A\N - I'm sorry to say that this will be the last chapter of Shadow Angle x Aaron....BUT!!! I will be making another x Reader Fanfic's so you can but the pitch forks away!! I will be doing a one-shot\ mini book\ Fan-fiction until new books come out and when i'm un-able to write chapters.



Reader / Y/N's POV

I woke up in a blood red room....

the neither....

Shadow walks in with her sword.

"oh look the little Angle is to weak to do any think!!" shadow says.

"Why am i here? Let me go!!" I yell spitting at her.

"Why you little!" She yells and kicks me is the stomach.

"AHHH!! wh- *coughs* why are you *coughs* doing this?" I say coughing up blood.

"Because no one loves you and you deserve to die!" She spits out.

"Aaron *coughs* loves me.....i *coughs* have done nothing wrong!!" i try to scream but it came out like a whisper.

"Aaron doesn't love you not now anyway! i messed up your life Y/N and no one not even Irene can fix it. Thanks to me everyone you love and cares for hates you!" Shadow says and laughs mentally.

"Shadow? WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!?" i try to yell but comes out just above a whisper again.

"Well Y/N i simply did what any evil doer would do hurt people, your lucky your loved ones lived. If i...i mean you would have done any think more they would be dead." Shadow yells.

"n-no....No...NO!! HOW COULD YOU!?!" i yell this time changing in to my Shadow Angle form.

"You cant kill me Y/N your too weak and im not going to kill you....im going to let someone else kill you!!" She laughs and disappears. Everything goes black the im at Phoenix Drop. i smile and walk to wards the gates no weapons or armor on me.

"Y/N!!" some one growls.


"Z-Zane?" i turn around to see an angry looking Zane, Laurence, Garroth, Travis and.....Aaron...

I rub my eyes then blink a few times.

"W-What no! You cant be here this is a dream!! I was in the neither!" I screamed .

"What are you talking about you back stabbing killer!!" Laurence yells at me.

"What? i killed no one!! i have not betrayed you!! ive been kidna-HOPE!!" i scream, starting to cry. Hoping that Aaron would come and hug me.

my baby please let her be ok!!

"Don't you remember? You came back form your wander and tried to kill every one and put Hope in coma!!"Travis screams.

"NO!! NOOO!! MY BABY!! NO!!" i scream at the top of my lungs.

"Leave now..." A deep voice growls. Aaron....

"A-Aaron?" i question.

"I said LEAVE NOW!!!" Aaron yells pointing his sword at me.

"A-Aaron? Were meant to be married .....don't you believe i didn't do any of this!" i say between sobs.

"no...you tried to kill our baby and friends.....and....me...." Aaron whisper yells.

"what!??!!" i scream crying really hard and falling to my knees.

"leave my village or die!" A black hair female screams.

"A-Aphmau...*gulp* take care of Aaron....my baby..take care of everyone....*sobs*...just do it f-fast...." i say crying putting my head down.

"your going to let us kill you?" A young man named Levin says.

"No...." i pause. "i want Aaron to kill me....i can tell he wants to....." i cry as Aaron walks towards me sword in his hand.

"You would have made a good mother Y/N...." Aaron says loud so everyone can hear.

"no...No i wouldn't have im a monster...." i say very quietly.

"Hurry up and kill her all ready!! Im sick of seeing her face and hearing her evil voice!!" Zane shout, making me cry harder.

"i-i.....Just get it over and done with......no one is going to miss me.....im a monster, i tried to kill the people who cared for me....*sobs*... just kill me....stab me....strangle me....drowned me....just kill me....i dont care how just do it...." i say crying, i choke on my own spit.


Aaron brings he sword up and when he is about to swing i whisper.

"i love you...."

Aaron's Pov

i stabbed Y/N. Before i killed her i heard her say i love you... i looked at Y/N's life-less body and cried.

"We should head back to the village and check on Hope again" Aphmau says.

i get up and walk back to the village.

Reader's / Y/N's Pov

Everything went black.





I cried writing this chapter. I hope this didnt make you guys cry too much.

i hope you guys have enjoyed this book i need votes on what book to do next so until i get a good amount of votes im going to make a one-shot book/mini storys book to write in until i get the votes.

~Georgella is still crying~


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