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Chapter five!!! comment and vote, enjoy!  :D



I layed on my bed until nightfall, waiting for the guys to come back, or wake up, whichever it was.  Monster, Demon, Vampire... Different names, all them, and me.  I heard a small noise, probably the others coming back.

"Alex?" David called, my stomach seemed to fold in on itself, I had been trying to figure out how to ask.  But I really didn't want to talk to all of them, I didn't think I could.

"I'm here," I said, pulling myself up out of bed and going to stand against the wall.  My voice still sounded broken, it didn't surprise me.

"Something wrong Alexandra?" Eric asked. 

That question let my mind burst open, I glared at them. 

"Yes something is wrong!" I shouted, making it echo around the room.  But then my voice dropped "I went out to get a job today, like I have every day since I got here, and actually found one.  The guy I talked to about it, he was there, last night.  At the beach party." I said, trying very hard to ignore the look of triumph growing more and more pronounced on David's face.  "I was willing to think it all just a dream, until he told me people had been found there this morning, dead!" 

I could see it on all of them now, god why had I been so stupid

"What happened Alex?" David asked

"I almost killed him, I came so close that I could see myself doing it, and by now he's either in the ICU or the morgue!"

"Oh he's not dead Alex, you'd know if he was." That stupid grin, that taunting, smug little smile.  I couldn't take it, I stepped up to him.

"What the hell did you do to me David!" I whispered, my voice deathly cold, I hated him so much in that instant I felt I might explode from it. 

"You know what I did, what we did," He said "We gave you family, and normal for the first time in your life!" I swayed slightly, he didn't sound angry, exactly, more, disappointed.  Like I was a small child who had done something wrong.  My hatred disappeared, I didn't know why, it just, ebbed away.  The others were staring at us, David and I, nearly nose to nose.  They had given me family, a place to stay, they had probably saved my life that night in the alley.  But why, why this, I wanted to hate them.  But I couldn't, in a way, David was right, they were my family, and they were all I had.

"You know what you are Alex, embrace it.  We live forever, never grow old, never get sick, never die."

"But we must live in the shadows like demons!  I want the sun David.  I'll take it when I can keep the sun." And I stepped away "I'm going, I'll be back, but I need time to think."

As I headed to the door I heard him say one last thing.

"Finish what you started Alex."


This one is a bit short but I promise a longer one next time!  Enjoy it.


Author's note  -  Alexandra did not become a full vampire because technically she didn't kill the boy.  I love loopholes XD

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