OLD - 7

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Chapter seven! Please comment and vote!  :)



Four o'clock in the afternoon, lovely time to wake up, now I had three hours to kill.  Kill, I shivered, why won't my thoughts stay normal for once!  I could go see Isaac, or I could do some exploring around here.  I walked over to the place that Eric had disappeared, yep, a half concealed hole in the floor.  Nothing but black down there, maybe there was a flashlight somewhere.  It took twenty minutes but I fiinally did find a flashlight buried in the mess of shelves.  No ladder, but it didn't seem very deep, I could probably just jump down.  It was maybe a six foot drop if I hung over the side, no more than jumping out of a tree, I closed my eyes and let go. 

Pain exploded in my left ankle, I had landed on it sideways.  Okay, don't yell, that isn't going to help, you probably just bruised it, calm Alexandra, calm.  I swung the flashlight around me, the tunnel ahead seemed straight, but the ceiling was low enough that I'd have to crouch to get through.  However, now that I was down here, I noticed something else, how in the heck was I going to get back up.  I shook my head, I'd worry about that later, and started down the tunnel, keeping as much weight of my left leg as I could.  Every so often the tunnel curved, occasionally I caught sight of bats hanging from the ceiling, a sight I was now quite used to. 

The tunnel opened up, and a smell hit my nose that made me gag.  "What the-" I stopped, because upon opening my mouth I had almost thrown up.  Which is odd for me, I've only thrown up once in my life, and that was when I had the flu.  Things didn't usually gross me out, but it smelled like something had died in here, decades ago.  I looked around, brushing my hair out of my face, it seemed I'd hit a dead end.  Until I looked up.

Don't scream, don't scream, don't scream.  Thank god I wasn't a sissy, who would currently be screaming her head off.  The guys were all hanging upsidedown, clearly asleep, their feet, looked like giant versions of a bat's, curled around a metal bar that cut through the rock.  It was funny almost, watching them sleep, their faces perfectly still, all except David's.  His kept twitching, like he was dreaming.  I wondered about what, the way his face was made it seem like it was a nightmare.  What would he be afraid of, there must be something he hides under all the sarcasm.  I wondered if they had to sleep this way, upsidedown, or it was just comfortable.  Their arms seemed to defy gravity, crossed over their chest like those of a corpse.  Well, I guess in a way that made sense. 

There was no way I was going to be able to get out of here.  The drop had been six feet with me dangling, meaning it was about eleven feet normally.  I guess I could go back to sleep, not really anything else I could do down here, well, besides watching the guys sleep.  Which, despite the fact that it was slightly interesting, it seemed like a stalker idea.  So I curled up in one of the corners, -my nose finally having gotten used to the dead smell- and fell asleep almost as fast as I had this morning. 


"What the hell!"

I shot up, still slightly asleep, and temporarily forgetting where I was.  Blinking a couple times I found myself looking at the guys, three of whom looked truly surprised by their unexpected guest.  Now that I was awake I could feel my ankle again, odd, it didn't hurt anymore, at all.  I had bruised it pretty badly coming down here, and by no means should sleeping on the floor have changed that.  David did not look all that surprised, of course, he was David, things rarely earned emotion from him. 

"Hi?" I said, trying not to laugh, Eric, Jesse, and Kyle still looked thunderstruck.  "I may have gotten stuck down here, maybe, um three, four hours ago." I was having a hard time forming words, and I couldn't help it.  I burst out laughing.

David cracked a sarcastic looking smile, making me laugh harder, what was wrong with me.  Stupid dead smell fumes, must be going to my head.  I couldn't breath, I could barely see, I was still laughing, I was going to pass out, seriously.  Lightheaded, I felt like I was weightless, and then, everything was black.


Chapter seven, a little weird, but it popped in my head at 11:30 pm, so I'm not that surprised.

Tell me what you think :D


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