Being Happy

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Once I entered the classroom I decided to take a seat in the back. In any other class I would sit either in the middle of the class or even near the front, but since it was religion I didn't really care. Religion is an easy class so I don't need to try as hard nor study. The rest of my schedule are just subjects that I'm good at. Second period is math, third is history, and fourth is gym. I may not look like an athlete but I'm pretty good at sports. But basketball is what I love the most. Throughout my entire life I've always been playing basketball, and I plan on joining the team this year.

Throughout the entire religion class the teacher just talked about what's going to be going on for the semester and then left us alone. A lot of us just looked around and didn't know what to do. It was dead quiet until I spoke up. 

"Alright guys, I guess we have some free time!" I yelled

"YEAH!!" Everyone said.

Once everyone started to relax, some went on their phones, others talked with people from their elementary school. When i noticed that everyone was  doing something I decided to do something myself. I started to listen to some music. As I was about to put the other ear bud into my ear, my hand was stopped. My eyes are closed so I can't see who is interrupting my music. 

"Can I help you mystery person?" I asked

"Mystery person huh? Is that all I am to you Sophie?" The person said. Only one person would ever call me Sophie.

"Jeanine!? I thought you only call me that when we're alone!"

"It's your fault for calling me 'Mystery person'. How can you do that to your best friend?!"

"Oops?" I said and started to laugh.

"Really? You're gonna say that to me Sophie?" Her voice was so loud that I swear that the whole school heard her. Everyone in class stopped what they were doing and looked at us.

"Alright nothing to see over here, go back to your business." I commanded then turned to Jeanine with the most pissed off face ever. All Jeanine could do was give me her 'I love you too' face. All it is, is the biggest smile a person could ever have, yet I could never get mad at that face.

I sighed and said "Alright J, what can I do to make sure you don't call me Sophie in public anymore?"

"Do whatever I want for an entire month!"

"A whole month? Are you kidding me?"

"What was that? I didn't hear you properly Soph-"

"Alright! Alright! Deal! Just please don't make the actions it too physically demanding."

"No promises." She said smiling. Jeanine knows that I'd do anything to keep her smiling. She knows me too well...
For the rest of the period me and Jeanine just talked and played random games like chopsticks and truth or dare.

When the bell rang to signal the end of class, Jeanine and I moved towards our second period. Our second period was an IB math class, so we'd finally get to meet the people we would be spending our 4 years with. Throughout the introductions, I learned a lot about my class. There was one student who looked like a drug dealer but was actually really smart. And another who looked like your typical Canadian. He was white, was polite and held a door for a good 5 minutes for everyone. But there was one student who caught my attention. Her name was Kirstin Mathews. She was extremely pretty. She was like something out of a magazine. Jeanine caught me staring at her and shoved me so that I wouldn't be so obvious.

Once class ended, it was time for lunch. Ever since grade 6 I've never eaten lunch at school. I've always had a big breakfast and a big meal when I get home. Jeanine knows that I don't eat but she still forces me to eat some of her food. I always eat some of it so she wont be too annoying about it. 

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