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After around fifteen minutes of riding on the bus, which felt like an hour, Kirstie and I finally made it to our stop. It was a rather quiet bus ride home which isn't something that I'm used to. I appreciated that Kristie didn't try to get me to talk about what happened between Jeanine and I. She wanted to accompany me home to make sure I would make it home safe, but I didn't want her to get into any trouble with her family so I told her I'd be fine walking alone the rest of the way. Once I made it home, I noticed Tristan waiting outside.

"Welcome back, Young Master." He greeted. "You're rather late today."

"Yea, sorry Tristan. I had a little conflict with Jeanine, but everything's okay now." I said with a fake smile. "You can take the day off. I don't believe I'll need any assistance for today."

"As you wish Sir." He said. Then he bowed and we both walked inside. As I walked upstairs to my room, I saw Tristan walking towards the servants wing. In my place, all of the maids and butlers have one designated wing for their sleeping quarters and it's rather large, at least in my opinion it is. I haven't heard any complaints about the space so I believe that they are happy with it. Obviously they take breaks, and normally during their breaks they enjoy the luxuries of the house. This ranged from making their own food, sometimes eating together, to going to the backyard and swimming. Neither my Mom nor my Dad had any problem with this, so unless I really need them to complete a task, I usually give the staff the day off during my school hours.

When I entered my room, I changed out of my uniform, took a shower, changed into my house clothes, and fell into bed. Throughout that entire process my heart was still aching from what happened.

"I've been best friends with Jeanine all my life, and with just a few sentences, I destroyed our friendship. Things between us won't be the same." I said aloud. After talking to myself for a few minutes, I felt my eyes starting to droop and before I knew it I fell asleep. I didn't even eat dinner that night.

I woke up the next morning without the help of my alarm. I felt refreshed and energized. I guess it was cause I slept super early last night. The only downside was that I woke up at 6:00, a whole hour earlier than normal. I didn't want to spend too much time in bed so I just got up, did everything I needed to do, and then lay down on the couch waiting for 8 o'clock to strike. A few minutes passed and my body started to become relaxed, like I was going to fall asleep again. I didn't want to fall asleep again and risk the chance of being late, so I stood up, picked up my bag and earphones, and went to school. It was only 7 o'clock and I was heading to school. Normally I would never leave this early, I guess yesterday really messed me up. As I walked towards the bus stop, I saw Jeanine turn the corner of her street. She was too focused on a book she was reading to notice me standing frozen across the street.

"Of all the people to see on my way to school, why did it have to be her..." I thought to myself. "What's she doing out this early anyway?" I decided to take my time walking, and let J get to school before of me. When I finally got within eye shot of the bus stop, I saw Jeanine waiting. There had to be at least three buses that passed with the head start I gave her. Who is she waiting for? I crossed the street and saw Jeanine waving towards me with a smile on her face. I guess that answers my question.

"Hey Spence!" She yelled. I really don't want to be rude, but I don't want to to talk to her right now.

"Hey." That's all I said. Man I hope I feel better soon, cause I don't want to hurt J.

"Something up? How come you're here so early?"

"Got bored at home. What about you?"

"I was waiting for you. I wanted us to go to school together." As she said that a bus arrived. I really didn't want to get on that bus with her, but I needed to act like nothing happened yesterday.

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