Truth Revealed

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Well this is something huh? Kirstie holding my hand, and Geoff holding Jeanine's hand. Two probable misunderstandings, both staring at each other. I still don't understand how this happened? It's the second fricking day and there's already a potential conflict. I really hope nothing bad happens. We couldn't do or say anything. Then I felt Kirstie shove me a bit, forcing me to break the deafening silence.

"J? Geoff? What're you guys doing here?"

"Geoff knew about this secluded area and he wanted to show it to me." J answered "What are you doing here?" I guess my "secret area" isn't so secret.

"I just came here to shoot around. You know, just calm down a bit."

"Then why are you two holding hands? Are you two an item already? I'm so happy for both of you!!"

"No no, it just somehow ended up like this." Kirstie said "Why are you two holding hands? Are you two together??" Regardless of what her answer is, I didn't want to hear it. Seeing her hold hands with him hurt me. Turns out, I did feel jealous. I needed to find a way out.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I haven't eaten yet and I'm starving so I'm gonna go get something to eat." My excuse went. "I'll see you guys in class." I let go of Kirstin's hand then walked towards the school. Once I left I went straight to history class instead of the caf. I know that both Kirstin and Jeanine know that I was lying about eating, but I really wanted to leave that situation. I walked in and saw Michael and John chilling together, I didn't want to interrupt the two, so I just smiled, said hi, then went to my seat, leaned back, closed my eyes and listened to music. I only made it through half a song when I was interrupted by the sound of the class bell ringing.

I opened my eyes and looked around the room. "Eh, not all of the class is here yet, I can still listen to music for a bit." I thought to myself.

A few seconds later I saw Geoff and J run in the class. I just took a quick glance at the two and went back to closing my eyes. Everytime I saw J with him, it always made me feel jealous. Soon after I felt one of my earbuds being yanked off. I sat upright and saw Kirstie standing in front of my desk, smiling at me.

"Wake up sleepy head. It's time for class." She said. "Did playing ball tire you out that much?"

"Hehe, maybe it did a bit. I think I might be too tired to help you with the history work."

"Aww come on Spence, don't be like that!" Just then, the teacher walked in and apologized for being a little late. Kirstie took the seat to my left, and I didn't notice but J took the seat to my right. I guess she has been there since she walked in with Geoff. As time passed and the lesson went on, I steadily became more and more bored.

"I can memorize this stuff easy, why can't I just sleep. I guess basketball really did take a lot out of me." I thought to myself. I felt my eyes start to close, and knew that once the did I would fall asleep. Luckily I felt a shove on my right side that woke me up completely. I looked at J and she was pointing at my desk. There was a small folded up piece of paper that had 'READ ME' written on the front. I was really wary about opening it seeing as it came from Jeanine. Regardless I opened it and all it said was 'We need to talk after school! My locker.' I was really confused. She said she had plans with Geoff after school. And so I wrote back. She sent it back and written in all caps 'IT DOESN'T MATTER! WE NEED TO TALK!' Clearly J wants to talk about something urgent so I decided to go through with meeting up with her. I gave her a thumbs up and focused back on the lesson.

Fourth period came and nothing really big happened. It was just a skill lesson about basketball. I aced every skill that was needed to be done so in the end I was told to sit on the bleachers and relax. The problem was, I couldn't relax. There were so many thoughts in my mind. The kiss, Geoff and J, the meeting with J at her locker, just everything seems so stressful. I was stressing so much that before I knew it, class was over and it was time to meet up with J. I didn't need anything from my locker since I dropped everything off before I headed to the gym. I needed to clear my head and calm down before the "meeting" so I decided to walk to Kirstie's locker. As I walked into her hallway I saw her locker door open but it wasn't open all the way, so she didn't see me walking towards her.

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