'Fake' Friends

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Fake Friend- a person who falsely claims to be, feel, or do something can be said to be fake. When your friend acts sweet but spreads rumors about you behind your back, you can call her a fake. As a verb, fake means to take an action with the intent to deceive.

I was called a fake friend by people who use to be my friends. But this was a while ago. They can call me whatever they want, but after finding out the things I did, (From an anonymous source, I was told that one of them stopped being friends with the other two. Or the other way around. I honestly don't know because it's quite confusing), I can't help but feel pity for them.

I don't miss them. Don't get me wrong. They treated me wrong. But I honestly think they're hypocrites. They call me a liar while one of them (let's name her Girl 1) said she never like the other girl (Girl 2). That kinda seems like she was lying throughout their whole friendship. If they never liked her, they should've told her. They all did the same with me. But this isn't about me.

Another thing I hate about 'fake' friends, is that they're two faced. When they're around you, they act like your best friends, sisters even. But when they're with others, they act way different. They can say stuff behind your back but can't say it to your face.

I use to have these friends. But after being friends with them for around 2 years or so, they decided to 'confess' to me how much they disliked me. But now after finding out about their own problems, I can't help pity them. They acted like they were going to stay together forever. Only to break apart for a reason I don't fully understand nor do I want to or care to know.

I am very thankful I'm not their friend. They brought a lot of drama towards me. I'm not saying I didn't start drama every now and then. But the problems they have with others is beyond whatever was going on with me. I don't understand how you can argue and cause drama when you aren't even in the same city as the other person.

But that's just me.

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