Chapter 2:Being Suspicious

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AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guys so this is chapter two and I know that chapter 1 wasn't that fun but that's the case for most books. Well I hope you enjoy chapter 2

The first week started off pretty good. I got along with my professors, well except for one of them. It's my Mathematics professor named Mr.Mitchel and he is a pain! He's boring and yells at me all the time but I can manage. But there was another thing to that made me suspicious:Jake and his friends.

All of this week, him and his friends were talking about Saturday night a lot, but every time I ask Jake about it he says it's none of my business. And if we start arguing a little bit, his eyes would turn crimson red and that would scare me a lot. All I think is I'm just imagining things but am I actually right? He and his friends would always drink some red type of juice. Now I know what you're thinking 'Sarah it's just kook-aid' but every time I try taking a sip, he says his medicine is in there. But he doesn't have medicine but I just ignore the fact to argue with him about it. And another thing he's into is vampires. Now I'm not going to let that be a suspicion, I mean like loving vampires is not a bad thing. So I brush it aside.

I told Kimmy about it but she just tell to keep an eye on him but I feel like I if I keep too much of an eye on him, a problem will happen. This basically went on until on Friday night I decided on my plan:Follow them. Now I know what you're thinking 'you're just being a crazy girlfriend just leave him alone.' But honestly but curiosity is growing and I need to know.

Using my FBI skills, I jot down every little detail that happened in the corse of this week. But one thing really bothered me:a girl. There is this girl that they 'befriend' but they stare at her in a way that makes me want to slap Jake in the face, but I resist. After shaking that out of my mind, I told Kimmy about my plan.

Hey Kimmy

Hey Sarah, what's good

Remember what I told you about oh how Jake and his friends


On Saturday night, I'm going to follow them


I know it looks weird but trust me I need to get to the bottom of this

Well I'm driving you, cuz if some shit goes down then it's on you but I will drive you

YAAAASSSS, I love you

Yeah yeah what time did they say



I know it's sounds crazy but trust me, using my FBI skills I should be good

You better be, can I sleep now it's 1 A.M

Ok bye


So that was the plan, and it was going to stay like that. Nothing more, nothing less. It was simple.I got all my equipment ready so by Saturday night I should be good. All this suspicion comes to an end NOW.

I'm done being suspicious

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