Unexpected Guests

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"Honestly, this is most improper," Dr. Rowe sniffed as he marched down the corridor ahead of Lorelie, dressed in his night clothes and covered by a dressing gown, carrying the bag of flowers.

"I am sorry," Lorelie muttered, wincing at the words.

"Nonsense, she's more then welcome," Vanessa snapped beside him, looking at him, her arms cradling clothes for Lorelie.

"It really isn't safe for you to be travelling out in the forest at night however," Jake said beside her, carrying her bags.

"It was an unexpected visit," Lorelie said, shifting Bramble in her arms.

"A young woman, out and about with no escort in the middle of the night, it's simply not acceptable, Miss May," Rowe continued, shaking his head. "What in the world possessed you?"

"I needed to get some ingredients for a sleeping draught," Lorelie said and he looked back at her.

"Don't tell me you're suffering from lack of sleep now as well," he said with a sigh.

"It isn't for me," Lorelie said, frowning at him, "it's for Beldon."

"The Master already has the remedy you provided."

"Yes but he told me they're not as effective as they should be, I have something else that should end those dreams completely."

Dr Rowe stopped and turned to her, looking at her as the other stopped. He was quiet for a moment, then let out an annoyed huff.

"Well I'm afraid, for tonight, you're out of luck, The Masters are not in residence," he said.

"Really? Where are they?"

"That's hardly your concern, young lady."

"Oh do stop being so gruff," Vanessa said, rolling her eyes at the doctor. "She's here to help you, not deprive you of a job."

Rowe visibly bristled at that. "We'll discuss your new remedy tomorrow, in waking hours," he said and turned, clearly about to stomp off when sounds echoed through the castle.

Everyone turned.

The front doors were opening and horses were entering the hall.

"Surely not," Vanessa muttered before she, Jake and Rowe took off back down the hall, Lorelie quickly following as they made their way back towards the balconies to look down in the hall below.

Lorelie peered over.

There were horses, drawing a carriage. The front doors were swinging closed and the carriage door was opening before a footman, still in his night clothes but awake from the unexpected arrival of Lorelie, could reach the door.

Lord Luka stepped out and seemed equally surprised to see the footman as the footman was to see him.

"Sire, we weren't expecting you back tonight," the servant said, bowing.

"What in the world are you doing up at this hour?" Luka asked, shrugging off his cape and handing it over. He looked up to see other servants at the balconies. "What are any of your doing up at this time?"

"We had an unexpected guest, Sire."

"A guest?"

The voice from the carriage proceeded Beldon before he stepped from the carried, his cape already draped over his arm. He looked at the servant, then up at the others before his eyes found Lorelie.

"Unexpected indeed," he said, raising an eyebrow at her.

"We had expected you to stay in town until at least tomorrow," Vanessa called down as she passed the others and started making her way down the stairs.

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