I Would Fight For You

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"I can't believe she left us." Martha said as JD sucked on his straw

"yeah well, she's a bitch." JD said bitterly

"she's also your ex girlfriend JD." Martha stated

JD just rolled his eyes at Martha's comment. JD and Veronica haven't been on good terms since the breakup and it was messy.

they had a huge fight when Veronica joined The Heathers. Veronica got pissed when JD told her to ditch the heathers and she yelled at him, telling him that he didn't control who she became friends with. JD told her that if she didn't want him to tell her what was right for her, then she should just leave him.

that's what she did. she climbed out his window, never to call him back, never to sneak out to Seven-Eleven at midnight to drink slushies, never to climb into each other's beds when they couldn't sleep, ever again.

JD and Martha were walking to his house when they happened to pass Veronica's house, she lived just one street over from JD. there she was, sitting on her front steps, her blazer and skirt long gone, instead she wore jeans and a blue shirt. JD rolled his eyes at how even when she's not with the Bitch Squad that she is still controlled by them.

Veronica waved as they stopped in front of her house. she stood up and started to walk towards them. JD kept walking.

"JD?!" Veronica yelled as she began to walk after him

"JD! stop walking away from me!"

Veronica ran up behind him


he hated that she knew his middle name

"why?" he asked

"why what?"

"why would you leave me for the bitch squad?!"

Veronica rolled her eyes, she always hated how easy her and JD got in fights.

"because I'm trying to save you and Martha, Jason!"

"what?" JD asked, clueless

"I'm trying to fight for you. Heather said that if I didn't join their group then she would torture you and Martha, I can't let that happen." Veronica reached out to touch his shoulder

"you could have told me that Veronica! instead of just leaving out my window and never speaking to me again, you could have told me what you were doing?!"

by now Veronica was in tears, she grabbed onto JD's collar,

"i miss you JD, i'm trying to get out but it's hard."

JD pushed her away,

"yeah? well try harder."

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