chapter 6

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The morning came way to fast for me. All to soon my alarm clock was blaring its annoying "BEEP, BEEP, BEEP" sounds.

"Shut that annoying thing off!" Jace huffed.

"Its letting us know its time to put our faces on and get ready." I yand sleepily.

"But I like sleeping." He said rolling the opposite way so that he was facing away from the alarm clock.



"Fine." I sighed.

I got up and made my way to my closet. I decided for the day I was going to wear a short black dress that came to my mid thighs. It had a heart shaped neck line. Though before I put that on I was going to cook so I set the outfit in the bathroom. On my way out I got a plan on how I could get Jace out of bed but it involved me running for my life.

"3...2...1..." I whispered to myself as I made my way back over to the bed with a bucket. I lifted it up and dumped the bucket full of cold water on Jace's face and body.

"AHHH!!" He yelled then took one look at me and jumped up.

"Come here babe."

I snorted. "If I had a death with."

With that being said I ran out of the room screaming my head off.


Bedroom doors opened and everyone jumped out in battle stance.

"What's going on?" Tristan asked with sleep still visible in his eyes.

"JACE IS GOING TO KILL ME!" I shouted running into Tristans room.


Tristan came running into his room with me and so did the other boys except Jace. We locked the door as soon as Jace reached for the knob.

"Okay, so what did you did?" Bret turned to me accusingly.

"Who me? I did nothing!" I showed mock hurt on my face.


"Well, if you didn't do anything you wouldn't mind us letting the gorilla that's trying to break the door down in?" Alec said making his way to the door.

"NOOO!" I ran to the door and blocked it.

"Then tell us!" Bret shouted.

"Fine. I poured a bucket of cold water on him because he wouldn't get up. Hey! That reminds me, you guys have to help me prepair and cook the food."

That got groans out of everyone.

"Cant we just let the gorilla have her?" Tristan yelped as there was more loud banging on the door.

"Yeah if you want her missing some limbs!" Bret shouted.

"Eh." Was Alec's responce.


"Eliot, baby I wont hurt you to bad. Just come on out." Jace growled.

I looked at the guys in horror.

"NO! I don't believe you!"

"If he breaks my door you're paying for it." Tristan stated.

"I'll pay for it. Just don't make me go out there." I was now panicking.


"We need a game plan." Was Alec's comment.

We all looked around the room until all of our eyes landed on Tristans nerf guns. I know what your thinking. What nineteen year old plays with nerf guns? That's an easy answer. All of us.

We all readied up and unlocked the door.


'BAM' went the door as it hit the wall. Jace looked shocked for a minute before he grinned. All of the guys made a cirlce around me and aimed for Jace.

"Challenge excepted." He stated.

The guys began fireing and moving towards the stairs. Tristan was the first to go down.

"Ahhh! Gorilla wont die! Save the girl!" He shouted before falling to the ground holding his side pretending to be bleeding.

"DIE!" Alec yelled.

We had finally made it to the stairs but all to soon Jace grabbed both Alec and Bret by the collars of there shirts and threw them to the floor.

"SAVE YOURSELF!" Bret said putting in his two scents.

I ran down the stairs taking them two at a time. Its probably not a good idea to run down the stairs but I didn't care.

"Note to self; Don't mess with a pissed off alpha." Bret said through mind link.

I made it to the bottom of the stairs almost hitting my hip bone on the metal banister. I scrambled on my feet running towards to kitchen trying to make up a game plan but before I could make it Jace fell on top of me.

I hit the wooden floor with a full on force. Jace was on top of me straddling my back.

We stayed like that for a few minutes before I broke the silence.


No answer.


He brought his head down to mine and kissed my cheek. I rolled over and saw he was smiling.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"Don't think your off the hook." He said bringing his head down. His lips were just hovering over mine but he made no move to kiss me. I made a growl low in my throat showing him he was pissing me off. He chuckled and closed the distance.

Once his lips met mine it was like tiny fireworks went off. My body felt like there was tiny electrical currents going through it.

"Mhhhm." I moaned.

He chuckled and then the kiss got rougher. He bit the bottom of my lip and then licked it. Soon we were battling for domanance. And let me tell you, Alphas hate to lose.

"Eww! Get a room!" One of the boys shouted.

"I don't get them. One minute she is running for her life and the next minute they are making out." Another one said.

I started laughing uncontrollably. I couldn't help it. Jace looked at me worridly.

"And now she belongs in a mental institution!" Tristan sighed hoovering over me.

I began laughing even harder. Tears were spilling out and I was holding my sides. Everyone looked worried.

After a few minutes Jace got up and gave me a hand up after my laughing fit.

"Few. Okay guys, we got some cooking to do. I think we waisted enough time. I will go call Andy and Tanner then i will join you in the kitchen." I smiled at everyone.

I heard some huff's and groans but they started to make there way to the kitchen. I on the other hand made my way to the phone to call Andy. 'Today is going to be a long day.' I thought before dialing the number.



I was also thinking about doing a chapter of Jace's P.O.V. here soon but I'm not sure. So if you think I should pleaaaaase comment.

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