Chapter 5 -My story-

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Lucy's dream

I'm at the heartfillia mansion. I then see the blonde and the raven-haired boy agian. This time they are running away from my father. This time though it looks like they are playing tag or some kind of game. Then I see a flash and I'm in the mansion. There my father and the raven-haired Boy's father was. They look like they are having a serious conversation. I see the little boy come running up to his father. I get a good look and see that it is Macbeth/Midnight.. Midnight is crying into his Father's chest. Midnight shouts "I don't wanna leave father. Let me stay" his father says gently " you can't my son. We gotta go now.."

****End of dream****

Lucy's POV

Damn another dream. This time I got most of the story figured out. I sit up. I notice that Gray isn't here anymore. Then I smell bacon!! I got up and ran to the kitchen. Gray!!! Whatcha cookin?? "Bacon, eggs and rice." Nice!!! Well we better eat and head to the guild. I have to tell Master my life story...

***time skip***

After telling Master and team Natsu. I tell them I have to find Midnight. That he's my best friend the one that helped me through the pain of losing someone important. My mother and he lost his parents. I have to find my once to be husband. I need to find out what happened to make our fathers split us up. I then walk out the guild with team Natsu. Natsu says "his scent is near!!! Come!!" We follow Natsu and find ourselfs in front of a hotel. I walk in first leaving the others outside. I walk up to the desk and ask where is Midnight or Macbeth's room please?? "Oh um let me check.... Its room 245. Do you want me to tell him your coming up miss??" No I want it to be a surprise. I walk up the stairs to the second floor. I walk to room 45. I knock and midnight screams "coming!!"

Midnight's POV

I went to check who was knocking and I peep thought the peep hole. I see that it's Lucy!! I open the door. Hey. Lucy. What do you want?? "Oh Midnight!!!" She shouts and hugs me. "I'm so sorry!" I let her in. We sit on the couch. So I'm guessing that you remember huh?? "Yes and I feel guilty for not remembering.." She whispers. Its okay lucy. What do you remember?? "That we were best friends and you accidentally hit me with your magic and my parents broke the betrayal. That the hit made me forget my magic and my memories.." I'm sorry to Lu.. I didn't want to leave you. But my father made me go.. She hugs me tightly. She whispers in my ear. "As long as your safe and you remembered all this time." I break the hug when I hear a cough. I look over towards the door and see Team Natsu.

Thanks you guys for the reads and votes.

Keep the votes coming
(Sorry if I got some information wrong)

-Love ZerCy-

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