Chapter Six

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Previously on Open Your Mind:

Aang chuckled and hugged the white-haired girl around the waist, "Sorry, big sister."

"Yeah, you better be." Xiaodan snapped and shoved him away from her, fixing him with a stern look, "Because if you do something like that again, that overgrown firebug will be the least of your worry, mister."

"Yes, mother." Aang said with wide grin, ducking his head when the older Airbender took another swipe at his head.

Katara, Sokka, Aang, and Xiaodan looked at each other for a moment before they all simultaneously started laughing quietly as Appa flew towards the setting sun.

"The Earth Kingdom city of Omashu!" Aang said grandly as he stopped on the edge of the hill, his arms outstretched, nearly hitting Xiaodan-who was standing next to him-in the face with the back of his hand.

Sokka and Katara stared at the large city residing in the middle of the massive crater with wide, awestruck eyes and open mouths.

"Aang and I used to always come here to visit our friend Bumi." Xiaodan said, rocking on her heels excitedly, orange eyes taking in the familiarity of Omashu.

"Wow," Katara commented in amazement, "We don't have cities like this in the South Pole."

"They have buildings here that don't melt." Sokka stated as if the concept was hard to imagine, causing Xiaodan to snort in amusement.

"Well let's go, slowpokes." Aang said, just as excited as Xiaodan as he turned to face the two siblings standing behind him and Xiaodan, "The real fun is inside the city!"

Aang leapt down, about to slide the hill when Katara called out to him.

"Wait, Aang, it could be dangerous if people find out you're the Avatar."

"You need a disguise." Sokka suggested, earning a raised eyebrow from Xiaodan and a confused look from Aang.

"So, what is he supposed to do?" The white-haired girl asked drily.

"Grow a mustache?" Aang finished for her, his tone surprisingly just as dry.

The thoughtful look that appeared on Sokka's face unnerved Aang and Xiaodan.

Xiaodan bit her lip to keep from laughing as she looked Aang over. Sokka had used some of Appa's hair to create a wig and mustache for the young Airbender to where, successfully covering the blue arrow on his bald head. The white-haired girl thought Aang looked ridiculous, but she had to give Sokka credit for his quick thinking.

"Ugh, this is so itchy." Aang complained, scratching at his head under the wig then turning to look at Appa, "How do you live in this stuff?"

The sky bison turned his huge head toward the younger Airbender and snorted at him. A giggle escaped Xiaodan's lips which she was quick to cover in an effort to prevent more. The white-haired girl glanced over at Katara, who was standing beside her with a small smile on her face and her arms crossed over her chest, then Xiaodan looked over to Sokka on her other side. He was sitting on a rock with one arm resting on his knee as he looked over Aang critically.

"Great!" The Water Tribe boy said, "Now you look just like my grandfather."

"Technically," Katara started, glancing over at Sokka with amusement, "Aang is a hundred and twelve years old."

Aang kicked up his staff and twirled it around his body then in front of him before placing the end on the ground and hunching his back.

"Now, let's get to skipping, young whippersnappers." The young Airbender said in a fake, but convincing, old man voice, "The big city awaits!"

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