Plague-chapter 4

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Starscream sighed deeply and relaxed into his friend's touch. His temperature had gone lower a bit now that they finally stopped for a good night's rest, enough for him to feel like he could go into a peaceful recharge. Especially after a massage like this.

"It was really clever of you to bring along this stuff." the Seeker said and earned a chuckle from the space shuttle.

"Better safe than sorry." Skyfire replied, "Remember that planet Virida? That had metal-oxidizing microbes, so I thought they could have evolved elsewhere, too."

"True. We have counted twenty species that oxidize either iron or manganese here. Do you think there could be more?"

Skyfire hummed and put an arm around Starscream's front, absently pulling him closer to himself. The Seeker's wings trembled a little upon contact with the other's strong frame and he could almost feel Skyfire's chest vibrate with the sound of his voice when he answered, "It is quite possible. This planet's biosphere has already proven to be very diverse. It's a living miracle. Who would've thought carbon-based organics could come in so many forms?"

Starscream looked up from his chest to see the shuttle's sparkling blue optics and smiled, "It fascinates you, doesn't it?"

"Definitely." Skyfire laughed softly, the Vosian cant floated from his lips like melodies of a song, "It's a pity we have to go back to Cybertron tomorrow. I'd like to return to this planet. I want the two of us to be the first to map and describe it."

Starscream smirked, "This is our planet now. We were the first here, and there's no intelligent life form. We have claimed this world and we'll make it our colony. We just have to make sure these bacteria won't harm us."

Skyfire turned to the west to watch the goldening sunset. The last rays of the Sun reflected off his white plates and made him look regal and mighty like a heavenly fire god. It made Starscream shiver in happiness that this divine power was his, his protection, his anchor, his intended and he pressed himself even closer to the massive frame.

"That will be our next project after exploring this planet fully. Describing bacteria that could harm us." Skyfire smiled and moved his big fingers down the glass of Starscream's cockpit, "Though these microbes seem harmless. This solution will protect us."

The Seeker smiled a little, his olfactory sensors could still pick up its scent on Skyfire's frame. After he was done with him, Skyfire helped him apply it to himself on places he couldn't reach, that resulted in the massage that helped Starscream finally relax under the blossoming tree they chose as a resting place.

Skyfire sighed and looked down at his friend, "I think we should recharge. We've got a trip to the north pole next cycle before we have to leave to Cybertron."

Starscream sat up and turned around. He wore a cheeky smile on his faceplate and pushed his hand to Skyfire's chest, trailing his fingers down to his waist and watched how it made the space shuttle shiver and his optics dim.

"We have plenty of time until morning." he purred, "No one will see or hear us. Everything is ours here."

Skyfire smiled down at his young partner and cupped his beautiful dark face in his large hands, gently pulling him to a kiss. He laid the smaller flier down on the ground and continued kissing him, he felt Starscream smile against his lips and heard him whisper one last word before bliss enveloped them like night the sunlight,


"Aww, isn't he cute when he makes those little whimpers?"

"Skywarp..." he heard a deep voice from his other side and its owner sighed tiredly, "we should wake him."

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