Plague-chapter 7

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Soundwave was exhausted.

The communication officer heaved a great sigh as he retracted his mask and visor and sat down at the small table in his living quarters that he shared with his cassettes. He could hardly recharge during the night, and he could not - and didn't want to - shut down the bond from all his creations who sought reassurance from him, especially not Rumble. But their combined worry and fear made it more and more difficult to restrain his own emotions from seeping through. He didn't want them to know how helpless he felt.

And running the Base alone, with everyone demanding to know what was going on and trying to keep them from going into the repair bay took up most of his strenght. The time he spent with Rumble was no different; his cassette was getting weaker, all four of them deteriorating fast. Even Starscream was now getting worse, though he managed to achieve valuable knowledge on the microbes and tried many things to see what they could use without harming themselves, that much Soundwave could see from the datapads.

Though why exactly the Seeker wanted him to read everything, he didn't know. Starscream did not lie, but Soundwave was sure there was something more to it. However, he was too worn-out to read his mind back in the evening, and he was still too preoccupied with his fading mini-mech.

The cube he held quivered in his hand and he put it down quickly when Frenzy came out of the berthroom. The tiny sway in the Cassetticon's steps did not miss Soundwave's attention and he did not even need the bond to tell that the mini-con was just as tired as he was. Frenzy went to the energon dispenser to fetch himself a cube and sat down next to Soundwave after mumbling a 'good morning'.

Soundwave sighed and watched his creation sip from the cube slowly, as if he was measuring every drop of it. He did not like the dimness in Frenzy's optics and how distant he seemed, no doubt because of his twin brother, but it nevertheless made the telepath's spark drop. "Frenzy," Soundwave's voice, without his mask to alter it, sounded full of concern, "is something wrong?"

Frenzy looked at him in surprise and smiled a little, "Apart from the obvious?"

"Yes." Soundwave moved closer to the small mech, "Why haven't you been recharging? You need your energy."

Frenzy shook his head just as Ravage lazily strode over to them and sat down beside his younger sibling with bleary optics, "Not as if ya don't." the mini-con murmured and took another sip from his energon.

Soundwave sighed. "That's different. Your systems are more fragile than mine. I know you are worried, but you cannot neglect yourself. I have enough to worry about already."

Frenzy looked down guiltily at his cube as Ravage nudged his arm. We are all afraid, the older sibling said, but the least we can do is take as much burden off our creator's shoulders as we can.

"I know," Frenzy whined and rubbed at his optics, finally abandoning his cube, "it's just... dad, that thing is... they're fallin' apart! I can't jus' stop thinkin' about that!"

"No one asked you to." Soundwave put his large hand on his creation's shoulder, "You are free of duties today. Promise me you will rest."

Frenzy nodded slowly, "Prom'se." he mumbled, "But let me go to the bay with you. Just a visit and I'll come back."

Soundwave gave a curt nod and retracted his visor, he stood up to his full height. He looked down at Ravage and opened his chest compartment; his first creation transformed within an instant and was soon gone to take his place beside Lazerbeak and Buzzsaw. Closing the plate, Soundwave retracted his mask as well before stepping out of their quarters. Frenzy followed him without a word and the two walked down to the repair bay in complete silence.

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