Plague-chapter 5

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Rumble didn't remember the last time he had felt such striking, solid fear. It wasn't like a battle where he would go willingly, sometimes even enthusiastically, knowing full well the risks and the possibility that he might not come back alive. But this - this was something he had never experienced before.

The Cassetticon clutched Soundwave's shoulders as the bigger mech crouched down before him in the wash racks, his hands squeezed so hard as if he was holding on for dear life. His processor span and his intakes were still hitching, though no coolant rose in his optics, he was still too shocked for that. He was well aware of what happened, aware of the fluids still dripping from his legs and aware that Soundwave was talking to him, mumbling comforting words to him, but he couldn't comprehend them. Soundwave closed the bond from him, probably to hide his fear, but Rumble couldn't do that, he let go of his shock, fear, shame and confusion, but most of all, the pain.

The pain... he felt like his insides were on fire and his tanks were rolling cruelly, he already felt energon hit the back of his throat. The liquid was burning his esophaegal tube and the taste was different, like when he got hit in the face in a battle - not the low-grade he was made to drink, but processed energon. Something must have been broken in him, that was for sure and it made him tremble even more.

Soundwave hugged him tighter and Frenzy sent him a questioning ping through their bond. Rumble could feel he was scared, too, but he couldn't answer. The mini-mech buried his face in his creator's shoulder when he felt coolant finally pool in his optics, Frenzy's fright added to his own fear pushed him over the edge. He couldn't even hear the wash rack's door open and barely felt another, gloved hand rest on his shoulder. Soundwave pushed him gently away to sit upright which just made the burning sensation in him intensify.

"Rumble... can you hear me?" Hook asked him, trying to get the Cassetticon to straighten up.

"It hurts..." Rumble whimpered, he didn't wipe away the coolant from his face, "Where's S-Starscream?..."

"He passed out." the Constructicon answered, "Lack of recharge. Rumble, only me and Starscream know what happened, and it will stay between us-" Rumble groaned and looked down, but Hook caught his chin and pulled his head up to look in his optics, "but it's not that simple. What you leaked contained processed energon and oil, and I see you're in great pain. The microbes must have spread in your systems and I need to see the damage. Open your plates, please."

Rumble did as he was told, and Hook tried not to wince at what he saw. No wonder it hurt so much; the rust on his converter spread, reached other converters, tubes and cables and there were spots and a crack on his waste tank; other holding tanks and his energon pump seemed to be unaffected yet. Hook saw Soundwave turn away from the corner of his optics and he understood why - the mini-con was rusting away inside and out, faster than they thought.

"Rumble, listen to me now," Hook closed his plates manually, "That converter on your energon tank is useless now, we'll have to take it out before it causes further damage. That's why you're feeling sick all the time. We may also have to remove your waste tank, we'll insert catheters to the feeding lines - the waste tank is cracked and the contents may leak out into your abdominal cavity. We'll also have to cut off rusting tubes and cables and reconnect with others or insert deflector tubes."

"Meaning," Soundwave spoke up for the first time, "large scale catheterizations and deflections are needed to maintain proper fluid circulation and avoid leakage as well as removal of parts; an operation?"

"Yes," Hook nodded, "I'll call the others and we'll take him to the operating table."

Rumble's intake hitched, "N-no..."

"It's not a 'yes or no' situation, Rumble." Hook stood up and folded his arms across Rumble's middle to lift him up, "We have to do it now. It will only get worse."

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