4 (learn the truth)

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The next day the Mukami's visited the Sakamaki's like they said and they opened the folder.

Subject name: Osaki (Y/n)
Real name: Kanbara (Y/n)
Age: 17

I Karl Heinz was given a healthy baby girl 17 years ago by a strange woman i assumed to be her mother.

The woman introduced herself as
Yayoi Kanbara and she said to take care of her baby. She also said to change her last name and to keep her safe.

She also said that the child carries great powers that may end the world so she said i must not tell other people about her.

She warned me that her daughter's powers were still far unstable so she advised me to lock her in a room when it was almost 5:00.

Through my curiosity i did what i was told though i was watching her in the same room. I just used a spell to protect myself.

When it was finally 5:00 she was beginning to change.

Her eyes turned black with red pupils. Her nails turned black. She had a dark aura surrounding her. In short she looked like a ghoul that was missing its kagune.

Though she was a mere infant i was scared of the sight and to thought that she could hurt me.

When it was 6:00 p.m she turned back into a sleeping baby. I got excited to test a few experiments on her that can definitely kill a mere mortal.

5 years after she was given to me i froze her heart. Her powers grew and she was by now capable of controlling them.

When (Y/n) was 6 i introduced her to my boy...

Reiji remembered that moment. He and Shuu were playing for once in there life and Karl entered the room. He told Reiji to call all of his brothers because he was going to introduce someone to them. Reiji did what he was told and when all of them were in the room he called (Y/n) inside. She was wearing an over sized pale blue sweater and a light blue bonnet. When they were done introducing themselves they looked at (Y/n). She said " Im Osaki (Y/n) and im 6" pleasure to be your acquaintance. After a few days (Y/n) told them to not disturb her when it was 5:00. She said if they could do that they will be best friends. 

Reiji then continued. After a few days(Y/n) told them to stay away. They did what they were told and they ended up to become best friends.

When (Y/n) was 13 i found her missing brother but couldnt contact him. I lied to (Y/n) telling her that Scarlet was her only relative left. Though Scarlet and
(Y/n) are not really relatives in any point.

When she was 16 i took her to the church because the boys were obsessed with her blood. I got Scarlet to replace her but the boys killed her in a matter off months. I got a new one named Yui but they also killed her... Well she killed her self.

I gave (Y/n) to the Mukamis for her protection. Also making her carriage crash, hence whipping her memory off the boys.

After countless nights of trying to learn what (y/n) was i got to a conclusion that all odd the clues being in front off me all this time

Her mother being Yayoi Kanbara, her transformation at the hour she was born, The aura and sparks emitting from her (Y/n) was a.............

Then the pages went blank.

But there was a contact number at the back of the folder.

Akihito kanbara...

Reiji quickly called the number and waited.

??? P.o.v

I was with Kuriyama-san when my phone rang. It showed an unknown number. I was thinking of my long lost sister. She was given by my mom when we were really young because the spirit world society was searching for her.

"Hello" i said as i answered my phone

"Hello is this Akihito Kanbara?"

"Yes it is who is this?"

"Im Reiji Sakamaki... By any chance are you related to (Y/n) Kanbara"

"H-how do y-you know about my sister?"

"Because she is here with us know please come here too see her and so you can tell us who she really is"

"Okay where are you"

"The Sakamaki Manor at the top off a hill near the forest"

"Okay i will be there" then i hung up

"Senpai who was that?" Kuriyama-san asked me

"They said they have my sister please Kuriyama-san call Hiroomi and Mitsuki i will need all your help to get my sister back"

"Ohh okay senpai" and by that She ran off"

Soo theres a lot off misteries around you reader chan. I hope you like it and im adding a bit off Beyond the Boundary in this story and a bit x reader too. Okay Arogato soshite Sayonara

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