Six: Mama, we all go to hell

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Monday came and Patrick was still moping under a little black cloud of rejection. He hadn't talked to Pete after the kiss, and he was trying not to talk to him now. Due to the grade difference, Patrick had made it through the first half of the day without seeing Pete, rushing to and from classes with his head down. But lunch was drawing near and he knew that it would be obvious that he was ignoring Pete around his friends. Patrick ran a hand through his hair and sighed. He wanted to go home, where he could play videogames or watch Netflix and wallow in self pity. He knew he couldn't though, which only put him in a worse mood.

The bell rang and Patrick reluctantly stood up and shuffled into the hallway. He walked to his nearby locker and busied himself with putting away his bag until the crowd in the halls died down a little. He finally closed his locker and decided to go to the bathroom before heading to lunch. He turned a corner and opened the bathroom door. He stepped in saw a familiar head of black hair. Shocked, Patrick hurried back out quickly before Pete could see him, slamming the door and trying to get the image out of his head, but he knew what he'd seen; Pete Wentz about to kiss Mikey.

He didn't know where he was going, rushing blindly through the halls. Patrick stormed out of the building and crumpled against a shaded wall, choking back tears. Of course Pete liked Mikey fucking Way. Who wouldn't? Mikey was pretty and talented, skinny and funny. Patrick took a shuddering breath and broke down into quiet tears.


Before Mikey could reach the lunch room, he was intercepted by Pete, who pulled him away from the promise of (somewhat inedible) food. He tried to resist but Pete's grip was strong on his hand as Pete led him to the boys bathroom.

"Pete!" Mikey protested. "What are you doing?"

Pete pushed open the bathroom door and yanked Mikey inside. He pushed him up against the wall, now pinning both of Mikey's hands to the wall and biting his lip. He tilted his head and leaned in to Mikey's face, about to kiss him when-- SLAM. The bathroom door closed sharply, startling Pete, allowing Mikey to shove the other boy off of him.

"What the fuck, Pete?!" Mikey practically screamed. "What the hell were you trying to do?!"

"I guess I..." Pete started. "I like you, Mikey, I like you a lot."

"And you didn't think to ask me before forcing yourself onto me?" Mikey yelled, hot tears pricking at his eyes. He was scared, one of his best friends had basically tried to assault him! Mikey felt his hands tremble as he bit the inside of his cheek.

"I thought you were gay! You never showed any interest in girls--"

"Don't fucking assume you know anything about me!" Mikey choked out. "I didn't show interest because I'm asexual!"

Pete stared at the other boy for a few seconds before turning around and storming out.

Mikey stood, dumbstruck for a few seconds before rushing out after Pete.

"Pete, wait!" He called out.

Pete whirled around. "The fuck do you want, Mikey?"

"Don't be mad at me," Mikey said, biting his lip. "Please don't be."

Pete grimaced, but turned around and kept walking.

Mikey watched his friend walk away from him, still until Pete turned a corner. Mikey heaved a sigh and went back to the lunch room.

Mikey slumped into a seat next to his sibling as soon as he got to the table, and rested his head on Gee's shoulder.

"You okay, Mikes?" Gee asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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