Part 4- Group Chat...

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I sat behind the camera watching the boy sit around and film a tone of vlogs. In total they had about 7 or 8.

I had to hold back from laughing as I might ruin the audio, and I'd feel awful if I did.

The secrets that came out of these boys were killing me for trying not to laugh. I'd have to use these against them one day.

By the end of filming it was super late. I glance at the time seeing it was like 3 am. Holy fuck my mom is gonna kill me...

"Oh fuck look at the time." I say slightly shocked.

All the boys start checking their phones and laugh.

"I guess your right, we should probably all get going." Tobi said

There were a tone of "yeahs." and "goodnights." That were muttered out as the boys started to pile out.

I gave JJ and Vikk a hug, since both are some pretty big idols of mine, I smile waved by to most of the others, but before everyone was gone Simon walked up to me.

"Hey, I'm sorry about the whole hug thing. I can guarantee I'm not much that of a man whore to just hug every girl I see." He rambled softly.

I giggle. "It's fine, but hey, you're not that much of a man white but you're saying you still kinda are?" I laugh

Simon rolls his eyes. "Whatever. Anyways I was wondering if I could get your number so that we can chat. I know I want to stay in contact with you and I'm sure the other boys will too." He said

I smile but agree to give him my number. Simon really felt like a nice guy. I hand him my phone to put his number in and he gave me a soft but gentle hug as he left.

These guys made me feel so safe. Like if I was ever about to be fucking murdered, I could come here and the guys would beat the guy up. They all felt like older brothers I never had.

I let out a sigh and decide its be best I get home too.

I say a quick goodnight to the guys before walking down the quiet hall.

I walk into my apartment to find the place silent. Mom was asleep. Good to know you aren't worried you daughter might have been raped.

I walk into the bathroom and wash my face off and fix my hair into a fight high pony that sat just below the top of my head.

I loved the feeling of washing my face. The water ruining down your face and the satisfying feeling of drying off your face.

I hop into my room and look around it. It felt so strange as this place wasn't yet home to me.

I change out of my clothes and into shorts and the first top I could find. It just so happen to be my fire nation shirt.

I go through my stuff till I find my most comfortable hoodie. My dad bought it for me before he went on his drunken rage. It was way to big for me, I'd always pretend it was a boyfriends, as well, I never really had one.

I plug my phone in and put on my music. Did I mention I hate sleeping in silence? I always play music to drown out the fearsome no noise.

I crawl into my sheets that my amazing mother put together for me. I let my comforting sent surround my body as I fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up the next morning and rub my eyes gently. I look around my room and glance at my phone. I had a shit tone of messages. What the fuck?

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