Part 5- The Mall.

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I jump into the shower, enjoying the stream of warm water cover over the small breeze I felt in my bathroom.

I was going to get my hair re dyed to red the day before school starts. I had always wanted red hair and my mom finally agreed to let me do it since I was going to a new school.

I let my thoughts wander in the shower and I start to think about my new friends. At least I hope I'm their friends.

I wash off completely and step out of the shower and dry myself off quickly and wrap my hair in the towel. I step
Into my room and look around for an outfit.

I chose to throw on a black tank top, with dark blue jeggings as well as a red an black checkered flannel wrapped around my waist. I throw on some ankle socks and walk into my bathroom.

I brush out my hair and double French braid it as I was too lazy to straighten it or anything.

I put in some put some contacts in before applying light makeup with light pink lip gloss. 

I walk out to the kitchen to grab myself something to eat.

My mom was making waffles. "Honey are you ready for our shopping day!" She said happily.

I bite my lip. "Yeah... Super pumped." I mutter. I actually love spending time with her but I actually hate shopping with her.

My mom hands me a plate of waffles and I sit down to eat. I had my phone next to me and it was getting spammed.

I roll my eyes and eat quietly trying very hard to not read through the chat. Finally I see Josh text he's going out and to not spam him.

I sigh of relief and then put my phone away as I finish up. I put my plate in the sink. I run once and slip on my red converse and quickly fix my hair.

My mom comes down and looks at me. "Ready to go sweet heart?"

I just nod and we both walk out.

I hear the boys being loud next door and kinda wish I could hang with them today.

My mom walks me to the elevator and we head to the lobby. I quickly glance through the group chat, nothing interesting happened except Ethan and cal spamming chat as they were bored, which basically consumed of talking about stupid Fifa drafts.

We reach the lobby just as I read Josh's text.

We quickly make our way over to a nearby mall and we walk in.

I look around in complete awe, completely ignore my mom listing all the school supplies I will need.

I was about to pretend like I was listening when I see Josh... With a girl!!

Oh my gosh!

"One second mom!" I say and run over towards Josh.

Josh looked over and smiled at me. "Hey Emily!" He said, causing the girl with him to look over.

"Hi josh! What's up?" I ask

"Nothing just hanging with this lovey lady. By the way, Emily this is Freya, Freya this is Emily." He said introducing us.

I smile softly. "Hi freya." I say.

She waves. "It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." I say. "So, what brings you around here."

"I'm hanging out with my girlfriend obviously. What about you?" He asked, putting his arm around Freya, causing her face to form a small blush.

I gasp. "You two are adorable together! And I'm back to school shopping with my mom. Kill me. She can't shop for clothes for the life of her." I groan.

Freya laughs. "Don't all moms? They always pick the wrong things."

I nod as my mom walked over. "Hunny are these your little friends?" She asked.

I groan again, my mother is going to embarass the fuck outta me.

"Yeah mom. This is Josh and Freya. Josh is really good friends with our neighbours and Freya is his girlfriend." I quickly explain.

My mom smiles. "Oh that's wonderful! Why don't you guys come with us shopping!" She sad enthusiastically.

I shake my head. "N-no! I mean... How about you go buy everything I might need for school... And me Freya and Josh can go clothes shopping." I suggest.

My mom frowns but then nods.  "Alright. I'd hate to prevent you from making friends. Here's $400 don't spend it all in one place." She said handing me my back to school fund, credit card.

You see my mom puts a little money aside each month for when I go back to school shopping I have clothes fund. It's actually a great idea.

I take it and smile, watching her walk off.

Josh and Freya were just watching me.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to drag you into this. I just didn't want to shop with my mom." I say.

I notice Josh about to speak by Freya pipped in. "No no! It sounds like fun! Any friend of Josh's is a friend of mine!" Freya said.

I smile and the three of us went off.

After about and hour and a half to two hours  I had almost spent all the money trying on clothes and getting to know Freya as well as Josh.

" long have you two been dating?" I finally manage to ask just as we left a store.

"Oh well, I think it's been about 5 years?" Freya said as Josh nods.

I gasp. "You guys are actual couple goals." I half squeal.

Freya and Josh both laugh at the same time then look at each other lovingly.

I was about to scream at how cute they were.

We spent the rest of the day talking. I absolutely adore Freya. She's so down to earth and honest and she just brings out the best in Josh. 

I decided to let them have alone time before the mall closed as they might wanna go do something  as a couple.

I text my mom to meet me at the front doors. She arrived soon after and we went home discussing the day. 

I got home and set all my stuff in my room before heading to the bathroom and taking out my contacts.

I leave my hair up and walk into my bedroom throwing on some pyjama pants and an old bajancanadian styled shirt.

I slip into my bed and pull up my laptop deciding to watch some of my neighbours videos.

I started with Harry as he had the most subscribers.

He was down right hilarious I couldn't stop laughing.

I think I'm gonna love living here. This move was the best thing to ever happen to me.

Here we go anther chapter. You happy Taylor ;). Thank you for all the support so far it's making my passion for writing this sorry grow so much more and I always am getting new ideas. But if you ever by chance get an idea you can comment it or dm me or whatever and I'll see if I can slip it in somewhere. Much love :*

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