chapter 1

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Its finally that day. Its the one day where I can do whatever I want. Its my 18th birthday. I've been debating on what I wanted to do today. Maybe see a movie with my boyfriend of 3 years Zayn, or invite a few friends to get our nails done and go for dinner to the nicest italian restaurant in town, Piccini's. I decide to call Zayn and see if he's up to going to the movies. He called me this morning and left me the best happy birthday voicemail to wake up to that I nearly cried. It was better than the one my parents and sister Isabelle left. My best friend Jill didnt call yet but hopefully she will. I called him back and he said he would be by later to drop off my present and spend some time with me because he didn't feel very well. I scroll down my contact list on my iPhone and click "Zayn😍😘👫❤💍💋". After 3 rings he picks up and I hear "Hey Blake". He sounds horrible. He coughed between words and hes sounding pretty stuffy. "Oh my goodness Zayn! You sound terrible! Are you ok? Do you have a fever?" I ask him, terribly worried because I just got over a cold a couple days ago and he was there to help me. I really hope I didn't give it to him. "Yep 102. But babe don't worry Im fine" he tells me but I know he's lying because he is miserable when he is sick. "Do you want me to come over and maybe make you some soup or something?" Crossing my fingers that he says no not because I don't want to see him but because I don't want to be stuck with another cold. "Oh no Blake. I could never ask you to do that. It's your birthday. Go out with your friends, have fun. I bet I will feel better tomorrow. I will set up something amazing for you to make it up to you. Maybe some belated birthday sex. How's that sound?" I can tell he's smirking even though he must have sneezed 3 times during that one sentence. "Haha Zayn your the best baby. That sounds perfect. Well I'll go go call Jill now and see if she's up to going somewhere or if she just wants to come over. You go get some rest now. Ill call you later to see how your feeling. I love you." I tell him. "I love you more babe" He says and hangs up. I'm a little disappointed that I'm not able to spend my birthday with the person I love more than anything. I guess I will just call Jill like I told Zayn I would. I type in the password to my phone and text her "hey Jill. Um I was wondering if you wanted to do something today. It's kind of a special day. Um so yea text me back looser. Byeee" and click send. Maybe she did actually did forget my birthday. Or maybe she has other plans. 15 minutes pass by and still no text from Jill so I decide to call her. It goes straight to her voicemail. I'm too bummed to leave a message so I just hang up before the beep. I throw myself down on the couch and see what other friends I should call. I end up sitting there for 20 minutes on Instagram stalking Jill's account. I refresh my feed and the first thing I see is a post that Jill made. It's a picture of New York City. My heart sinks. She really did forget my birthday. I feel a couple tears stream down my cheek. The caption reads "New York City Bitch". I'm so mad at her but I'm more hurt. I sit on the couch for 5 more minutes scrolling through the channels on the T.V. only to find nothing entertaining. Even though Zayn told me not to come because he doesn't want me to get sick, I decide to go anyway because its my only other option of what to do on my totally ruined birthday. I debate on having a party in the huge water front home I live in by myself which my show off parents bought for me and I had no other option but to live in it, instead of going to Zayns but I feel like he will be surprised to see me and maybe it will make both me and him feel better. I look down and see that Im still wearing my fuzzy pink pajama pants and a NY Yankees tank top. Even though its just Zayn and hes seen me in my pajamas numerous times I still change in hope it will make me feel better. I throw on a pair of light denim jeans, a red v-neck t-shirt and black converse and pull my long brown curly hair into a high pony tail. I look in the mirror before I grab the keys to my sliver Mercedes ML350 and put my phone in my back pocket along with my wallet. I drive down the street and make a left and Im on the street that Zayns apartment building is on. I park my car in the underground parking lot underneath the building and step out locking the car while I walk to the lobby door. His apartment building is beautiful and modern and I like it way better than my Mediterranean styled mansion. I've tried numerous times to get an apartment here but I didn't want to pay for rent and Zayn has a job so he could afford it. I step into the elevator and press the 11 button. It goes straight up to his floor and I step out and start walking to his apartment. He has given me a key since I prefer staying here then at my place. I open the door slowly and start walking towards his bedroom since he isn't in his living room. I can hear my converse hit the white marble floor and the sound echoes throughout the fairly clean apartment considering a guy lives in it. I pay close attention to the sound of the rubber on the smooth surface when all of a sudden, my footsteps are mixed with another sound. Moaning. Maybe he's throwing up or his stomach hurts? "Zayn?" I say quietly but loud enough to be heard in the bedroom. Still no answer. I get in front of the bedroom and open the door and right off the bat regret it. There he is. Getting sucked off by some big boobed red head. In the bed that we shared so many times. I'm frozen in place. Best. Birthday. Ever.

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