chapter 4

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Harrys P.O.V.

Once I'm inside, the tall figure gets closer. I look past him, not worrying about what he's going to say or do, and see the girl, laying on the floor, passed out. I quickly stop staring at the perfect girl, who I still do not know the name of, beat up and bruised but still looking peaceful, and see the tall, buff man standing in front of me. Ok, I'm going to admit, I was a little intimidated even though I was taller and more muscular than him, but one thing I suck at; fighting. He would beat my ass up in a heartbeat. "Well, look who we have here! You must be the Prince Charming that comes I save the damsel in distress!" He says in my face. I don't know who this man is, or why he did this to her but I honestly don't care. I need to help her. I know I'm not a good fighter but it's worth a try. I throw two good punches but only one hits him. He doesn't seem to flinch before I feel a few punches be thrown at me, one right on the mouth. I stumble backwards and start to panic when I feel liquid flowing from my mouth, but I wipe it off with my shirt because like whoever this asshole is said, wether he was making fun of me or not, I'm

here to save her. I get back onto my feet, and quickly come up with a plan. I kick him in the balls, knowing that, that will stall him for a few seconds, then quickly pick him up and throw him out the newly broken window.

I know that will give me some time

but not enough time. I look around the room, in search to find something I can push, to cover at least half of the gigantic window. I see a pretty heavy bookshelf and decide that it will do the job perfectly. I start pushing it over with great force because not only is it a solid wood, 8 foot tall bookshelf, but it's also covered in books. I finally get it in front of the window, and then I start to sprint as fast as I can to the front door, and lock both locks. I turn around and pick up the nameless girl, wrap the towel on the floor next to her, around her beautiful and curvy body, cradle her in my arms, and look around deciding where I should bring her next. I walk over to the beautiful spiral staircase and walk up. Once I'm at the top, I look left and right down the long hallways. At the end of the right hallway there's a set of French doors that I'm guessing it's a bedroom. I walk briskly down to that door and open up to see a gigantic California king bed. I place the girl laying in my arms, on the large, very soft mattress. Damn. She is flawless and I mean it. I spend a good five minutes looking at her frail body, laying down, ever so carefully on the bed, while pushing a couple strand of hair out of perfect sculpted face and caressing her plump cheeks. I almost forget that she is passed out and not just sleeping. I get up and walk down the hallway down the stairs, and down another short hallway into the kitchen. Just the place I'm looking for. I walk over the fridge, grab an ice pack and go to nearby powder room and grab 2 washcloths, wet one and make me way back upstairs.

Blake's P.O.V.

When I open my eyes, I see the most beautiful vibrant green eyes I have ever seen, looking into my very own hazel eyes. He smiles down at me but the sun coming through the large window of wherever I am enables me to see his whole face. I feel something cold on my head and go to touch it and feel a hand holding down what seems like an ice pack. I grab it from the hand and sit up and look around. Where am I? I look to my left and see the person that belonged to those gorgeous eyes I looked into a few seconds ago. And he was just as beautiful as his eyes were. The sun beamed off his tan skin giving an effect as if he was glowing. We both stare at each other for a while until he coughs and I awkwardly look down at my hands in my lap. Fuck. I'm wearing a towel. What just happened and why am I wearing a towel? I swear if whoever this gorgeous man standing in front of me is, pulled anything on me then he will get it. He walks over to me and my heart starts to beat a little faster. Half of it is me being frightened by this man being in this room with me while I'm in only a towel, and the other half totally star struck by the pure beauty this man. He squats in front of me. "How are you feeling? I'm Harry. Your probably wondering what I'm doing in your home but I'll explain later. More importantly, What's your name love? I haven't found out your name yet." He says with his bright smile and as the words tumble out of his mouth I nearly faint. His accent completes his nearly perfect package. "My name?" I ask.

"Yes, your name." He flashes me another smile at the end of the sentence which almost makes me forget that, I don't know my name. I don't know how old I am. I have no clue where I am or what just happened. I have no memory. "I-I don't know my name." I say and begin to cry. I close my eyes as I feel a big, strong hand wipe away the few tears that have fallen down my cheeks.

"It's ok. Shh, I'm here. I'll help you. I need to know one thing though." I instantly stop crying after he says those comforting words.

"What is it?"

"Do you trust me?"

"I just met you, but since I don't know anything or anyone, yes. I trust you." I say with the biggest smile I can ever possible make and earn an even bigger smile from, the now named, Harry. His dimples make me melt and turn into one big puddle on the floor.

"Let me help you get dressed and then come with me, ok?"

"O-Okay." I say slightly unsure of my own words.

I stand up, and quickly stumble back down. My legs are weak and unable to keep up my weight and the center aches. I look down at my legs and see a few scratches and then look over to the side. My eyes meet myself in a mirror and I gasp at my reflection. Bruises and cuts are scattered across my entire face and my hair is clumped into one big knot. I want to know what the fuck just happened and if Harry knows anything about it.

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